Congrats on the perfection. Even though they weren't all that great, I know how hard it is to not die at all. And you came close to dying a few times. But, I would delete that double post if I was you.
Is it just gamevee that makes it so you can't have the time bar disabled or something? Next video, get rid of that, it's a distraction. Anyways, congrats good sir, in due time, you should see more of them.
Pro's You're consistent with your sniping You're patient, and wait for the right shot instead of rushing and missing You change position regulary, staying unpredicatable Cons You aren't confident enough with the Sniper Rifle, you were afraid to take risky shots You were playing some awful people. For a BR game, you weren't taking nearly enough fire as you should have. You choose to use the Shotgun over the Sniper Rifle, A majority of the kills were Shotgun kills, which require the hand-eye co-ordination of a 5 year old. My Take: It was great that you kept alive that long, but you need to start taking risks. A perfection medal doesn't show nearly as much 'skill' as a triple kill no-scope or a stick from across the map. You aren't very good under pressure, and you don't have enough confidence with the Sniper Rifle. You need to practice against good players to you are constantly taking fire, and learn to get headshots on people who are firing back, instead of people running around in circles.
YOu kind of got lucky playing them, they are not that good Gameplay Positives: good at sniper, nice stick, negatives: very nervouse with sniper, use shotgun to much I can't count how many times you almost died lol
Positive:Good at sniping. Negative:To much shotgun also you need to take more risk go for the no scope
Nice job on this perfection. I don't see how people can criticize you for not enough no scoping because you got the perfection anyway. Great job here man. Congrats on this perfection. Truly your finest hour.