Doesnt interlocking and geomerging count as glitching? If so that sucks. Also no budget means its going to be hard to make awesome maps. We will have to go easy on the barriers and weapons :\
Yeah, good idea. I'll give it a clean up and alter a lot of the equipment. This is going to be fun, I cant wait.
In MLG matchmaking, they have user created maps that use geo-merging and interlocking that do not use the budget glitch. So I'd assume that our maps will be held to the same standard.
Thats rather fortunate ... all of my maps are on normal Foundry Canvas maps ... i never use the Budget Glitch.
Right now I am very skeptical about this Custom Playlist. It feels like something terrible is going to happen.
I think bungie has gone a bit too far in calling flame nades and the fuel rod gun "perfomance destroying". As long as such lag-creating objects are used in moderation, it shouldn't cause any serious connection problems, right? And both of those "performance destroying" objects are fun to use it a casual game atmosphere, right? So I fail to see why bungie would exclude a great map from their playlist just because it has a single flame nade. I don't have anything specific in mind, and I know it can just be deleted, but bungie is going to test it anyway and should be able to judge for themselves whether the map will cause lag (I guess this could apply to the budget glitch too).
It would be awesome if ForgeHub was heading the whole thing, like the members or staff here vote on what should be passed through to Bungie, based on what's eligible.
Getting Conquest maps in would be awesome... and we've certainly got a fair few good examples of the breed.
Edited into the main post. Most of this is fairly obvious if you ask me. But to the rest of the community....not so much.