Ghostoce Hello people, some people may already know this map but by that time I didnt know about this site yet. So now I post it again, because its a lot of fun and shouldnt be looked over in my opinion. ~Map and Gametype~ (Ghostoce and Ghostfection) Amount of Players: 4-9 Side note: You should change the amount of health the Last Man Standing has based upon the amount of players in the party, for example if you have 9 people make the health 500%, if you have 5 make it 300% etc. Description: The humans start off with 8 Ghosts they can use, you walk very slowly so basically you get forced to hop in your vehicle right at the start. A hammer-armed alpha zombie will spawn in a cage high above the ground. The zombie may use some equipment which lies close to him: a Flare and a Tripmine. If the Alpha is having a hard time infecting someone: there is a speed boost underneath the cage. If the zombie can get a hold of it, its unstoppable and the ghosts shouldnt bother shooting but get the hell out of there. Alright so this map is not about sticking together, its not about teamwork, its all about making sure you survive. Some prefer to get close to the zombies and kill them for points, other stay back in their ghost a bit, wanting to be that Last Man Standing, which provides them with a thick shield and fast regeneration. And believe me when I say youll be slapped around the map by the zombies if you are, because you simply can only die if you can get knocked out of your ghost. To finish it off, here are some pictures:
Wow I love that banked turn! This must of taken forever! Great work on a great map I'll DL and play it later
I like the idea of ghosts being slaughtered by hammer-weilding maniacs. The map looks like it took a while to make also and because of that, it looks really good. Map: 4.9/5
hope this gets featured! the sidewalls give it a uniqueness! but please make it so then it links to the file not the fileshare!
Hey im just bumping this because id like to get some more feedback about what to improve etc. Thanks, Dominade