
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mr Pokephile, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Created by Bl00D F1R3

    Recommended Players: 4-10

    Forgehub I'm back once again with a brand new map. This new map is entitled "Botanica". I got the name from the video game "World Of Warcraft". If you have not noticed, most of my other maps are from this game such as Ramparts and Eviscerate.

    Map Type
    Back on topic, My newest map is once again a-symmetrical. But this time I focused the map on one flag. I never really have tried to make a map for CTF, so this was my first attempt. I think I did a good job of it.

    The map takes advantage of the symmetry option. The defenders are armed with a over shield in their base, and on the opposing team, they have a sentinel beam to drain shields. Both these objects are for a-symmetrical game only.

    If the defenders are smart they will pick up the over shield while they are getting rushed, much like one would do on guardian. As for the attackers, they should focus the sentinel beam on the over shielded guy to take down his shields.

    The brief layout of my map is divided up into several sections, you have;

    • The Defender's Base
    • The Attacker's Base
    • The Center Structure
    • The Side's
    • And "The River"
    Call outs
    Along with the sections there is call-outs for competitive game play;

    • BR Tower
    • Sniper
    • River
    • Center
    • Tower
    • Gunnel
    Most of these may sound confusing right now but later on you will learn them.

    Back Ground Info
    On this map I wanted to go as competitive as possible so each section has its strengths and weaknesses. So it will take a team effort to control the map with good communication. The map is loaded with BRs. They can be found all over the map. There is only one power weapon on the map at all times and it's the Sniper. Its located in the center of the map. The arrival time for each time is equal. Along with this, I only placed two frag grenades. There is a few plasmas but not overloaded.

    Game Play
    The map is not rushed at all, by this I mean the scores won't sky rocket like most foundry maps, they will stay low and progress at a steady rate. This gives teams time to catch up.

    Game Types Supported

    • Slayer
    • Team Slayer
    • All CTF
    • All Bombs
    • All Vips
    • All Territorys
    • Infection
    • KOTH
    • Juggernaut

    Recommended Game types.

    • Team Slayer
    • KOTH
    • One Flag
    • Multi Flag



    This is a basic overview of the map. In it you see the defender's base and Sniper. The area its in is the general area, most combat is archived here.


    This is BR tower, Its connected the the attackers base.
















    I would like to thank Shock Theta for his on going help with spawns.

    Download Botanica
    American10 and Camoflaug like this.
  2. InnerSandman13

    InnerSandman13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Bravo. A fine map that combines asthetics and terrific gameplay. 5/5 I do wish you put a list of weapons and if they spawned on symmetrical or asymmetrical gametypes. Also I was wondering if you could make an Infection gametypef for this map called Botanical Guardians. The Zombies must be Green!!!!!!! 1st comment by the way.
    Camoflaug likes this.
  3. InnerSandman13

    InnerSandman13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wait....Is that Reconz?!?!?!?!?!??!?!? I worship thee!
  4. Solo

    Solo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh, wow. This is beautiful! Definitely the best thing I've seen in the past week or so. I hate to critique before playing, but this just looks awesome.

    The thing that really stands out to me is how everything flows together so nicely. And also the fact that there are many jump-ups to all the structures, which leads to everything being equally powerful. After I DL I'll report on it's GP.:)
    Camoflaug likes this.
  5. CD Shot 47

    CD Shot 47 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Brilliant Map. Fantastic interlocking, great gameplay. Proves to be an awesome swat map too. 5/5.
  6. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    This is a good looking map and gives me ideas for my new map so thnx
    and nice job 4/5
    Camoflaug likes this.
  7. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you **** you included everyone in the pics cept for me blood fire -.-" lol im jokin i had a blast testin this even when talkin about WoW O.O" lawl great map dude.
  8. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Brilliant! clean merging, nice flow, cool bridge, what else could you ask for? d: this map looks really fun. I'm definitly going to make room on my list to dl this! great job 5/5
  9. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    why did you add recon in it you do have it lol you got sarge or dman didn't you lol any way this is a really nice map it looks really cool and well made good job on it maybe another feature
    De Wy El Ay En likes this.
  10. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ha. Another good looking map made by you. :D I'll download and get back to you, though, I already know it's greatly made. (And you got Flowers to play a game with you? Ha, sneaky way of getting peoples eyes)
  11. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Eh, it has good interlocking and okay gameplay, from what I can see, but not one of your best maps. Call me crazy, but this shouldn't get featured. It doesn't have much cover and from the looks, some, (SOME, NOT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) interlocking isn't neat. you better not give me neg rep for that.......
    sexy dude likes this.
  12. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Bl00d great job. Were those pics when we first tested it? Anyway as I said during the gamme I love the sniper holder that's extremely creative. 5/5
  13. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
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    I had a blast testing this and to be on the same team as Flowers . yay reconz. Anyway ya great map the interlocking is great and the gameplay flows real way. 5/5
  14. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
    Senior Member

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    B100D, youre too good at making maps,
    I love it.
  15. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm shocked. Dude this is freaking awesome! I've never seen anything like this and I think that is why it should be featured. The merging is excellent and so is the interlocking. Nice idea with the bridges too! The map looks very nice too, it's like candy for my eyes! I'll just have to try it out with one flag and stuff and see if the gameplay has the same amount of awesomness as the map ;D. Great work, 10/10.

    ps: and you got bungie to try it with you!?!

    *edit: Oh wait, I can't try it! My xbox is being repaired :'(
  16. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well another map by blood fire that is extremely well made and has some original ideas to. good job

    p.s. i wont be surprised if this doesnt get featured
  17. B3NJ4M1N08

    B3NJ4M1N08 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this map looks incredibly detailed and gameplay looks very competitive. I'll definetly give it a try. keep up the great work!
  18. theheat

    theheat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    haha, thought the WoW references were coincidental, guess I was wrong. Fantastic map from you once again Blood Fire!
  19. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice Blood! Though my one friend complains so much he would complain about stuff like the interlocking in the 8th-last picture lol what a perfectionist. But I give u a 5/5
  20. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Amazing, outstanding, awesome and other synonyms for great! When I play tested with you I was flabbergasted, the aesthetics were very eye pleasing (especially the exploding fusion coil from the defenders structure), the game play was very satisfying and it played almost every game type awesomely. Not many CTF maps balance the sentinel beam but you did it well with the overshield and the heights that you can climb really made me think on my toes when I was on defense on where are they going to come out from next. Overall I think this is one of your best maps ever, you've outdone your self.

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