I'm sure this had been done on previous maps and it simply stopped you placing more, even though it said you could. Probably me going mad Not complaining or anything, this is a great breakthrough!
OMG this is awsome! Wish I would have done it on SpaceAge. The budget was really bugging me. Could we have apre glitched canvas of this?
Holy ! this is so ing awesome! i cant believe that they found it out. i wonder what they were doing......
LoL we were trying to do exactly that (i was in the party when he started figuring it out) Although in the end he was in his own party and figured out how to get it to work in a completely different way than we were trying. *so i dont even get "in the party credit"* Then even after he figured out how to get the run-time up without having the object on the map he went ahead and found a simpler way to glitch an entire map by yourself (there would have to be objects on it though). This really is an amazing thing and is sooooo much easier than that evil old "Land Fill" version of a budget glitch.
If you use a lot of different Items for bracing though, lining stuff up and the like, it still becomes a semi-landfill. Because once you make one of an item you cannot have less than a minimum of one on the map anymore after that, or it breaks the glitch. Still a good find though. Especially for the legendary maps. Nice to be able to have the option of using the lighting affects at the end without having to restart the round every 3 minutes.
because you have told me how to do this i am one step closer to the infinet object glitch. i was once on a map and wanted to change somethings. so i spawned a wall. i tried spawing another one. but accidently hit x while still on the object. i decided to hit x again. it said placed on map, none. then one i finally brought up the list i went to wall and it still had 16 walls. or whatever the most walls you can have is... i spawned another one. still 16 and none on the map... but to my bad luck, i was unable to save. but now that you have shown me how to do this i belive i am 1 one step sloser to making the glitch. thanks for posting this. at first i though we all know how to budjet glitch. why is it on the first page. but i still decided to read it. wow. thanks for finding this budd.
Ah you see, but what's the point of NOT using a budget glitched canvas now, for you see any advantage that the old traditional canvases had are lost, they're both exactly the same, except that a budget glitched canvas has no budget! Exactly
man, that is cool, but really this is unfair, ninja of joy, I and public servent made a map called 'Collision' which is forged over blackout and it will be posted today or tommorow so keep an eye open for it, cause it a genius map, but on that map we used the 'FX,juiced and the FX,pen and ink' filter and we had to forge with those filters on which is difficult to build mid-air with, later we decided to put them on 180 second respawn and place at start: no, we didn't want them in forge, so we had to start new round every single time they spawned, so that was like a million starting new rounds, sigh, and now it's finished, forgehub comes up with the ultimate budget glicth, bad timing. THOUGH, I want to thank you guys VERY bad for finding the glitch out, I would love to assist you in making canvasses with the ultimate budget glitch for you, so if ya need some help I'm there for you. THANKS AGAIN -the persister2 peace out.
Nice find. This will definitely make making maps much easier for everyone. I downloaded all three. Thanks a bunch.
If you want even a small chance of your map being put into Matchmaking: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
It doesn't work. Every time I hit A to confirm the run time maximum, it just goes back down 1. EDIT: I see what I did wrong now.
Awesome! Do the regular budget glitch rules still apply? (ex. Spawn all of an object, delete one, and find out you can't make anymore?) Still, this has got a definite dl.
Great job, I was in the room as you were making it. Go Paradox of Forge!(Gamer720, Buddha Crane, thecartographer.) Just wair until the community sees out next project!
I guess the only thing left now is to find a glitch that lets you make an infinite number of one object.
This is so muck better now lol, no more clutter! I'm glad yuo gave us links to the maps aswell, just when I thought we'd figured out everything.
Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!11111 Lol that'd be the ultimate Halo apocalypse You fill foundry to the brim with infinitive fusion coils blow them all up..."Dad...My xbox broke..." "How?" "The processing chip got fried ". Nice find too I may actually try teh budget glitch now.