i sure hope this is the right place for this, but post here if your quitting halo 3 forge for the far cry 2 map editor. im not ,because i just dont like far cry map editor compared to forge =[. i hope that no popular forgers are leaving like ivory matty gravedigger the yellow shock theta, and i could go on............ sozzy if i left ya out =p
i agree bro but some people, well... just are =[. off topic- your rank is orpheus, lol when did that come out...... its not too good of a game IMO, however the map editor is ground breaking-epicness. its a army style game based in africa
sorry thats weird, i quoted nemihara, posted it. then in a seperate post i quoted killnon, why they put together? edit: never mind a mod merged the posts together, sorry peeps
I dont think Ill quit forge I just think Ill play Far Cry2 more because IMO its so much better then forge.
Well mythic map pack is coming out soon, so it will be a forging frenzy. I myself will be getting far cry 2 and make maps, but they wont stop me from halo 3 forge.
yes now im considering doing both forge and making far cry maps, but but is the game worth it? im not gonna spend 60 dollas for a map editor...
Beast I don't know how often you come here but this board is polluted with fc2 topics and most recently a debate forum topic. Some people will try far cry 2 out and some may stay, but that game will not mean the death of forge by any means.
I'm doing both. But honestly, I'll find myself forging less often. Sure once in awhile, but not like I used to pre-FC2. HITtheLIGHTZ is right, forge will never die. People still play Halo 1 to this day. And that came out over 7 years ago.
Honestly, the Far Cry 2 map editor is not that great. It's great for consoles, but on PC games, Crysis CryEngine2 has a much better map editor. A few examples of a user-created map with CryEngine2 - "Niveus" Crysis map and http://crymod.com/thread.php?threadid=17267 However, the Far Cry 2 map editor seems a lot easier to use than CryEngine2. And also, Far Cry 1 was developed by CryTek, which used CryEngine. IDK how and why, but Ubisoft is now developing Far Cry 2 and their engine uses 2% of CryEngine2.