Tried to get really good flow and lighting this time. No C4Ds were used, only the render and displacements/filters.
I like this one a lot. And no, not just because yellow is my favorite color. Do I detect ocean ripple filters?
You know, photoshop can do more than just sigs. Anyway, looks nice, but I dont really like the background, needs to be a bit softer.
Ya, the bg seems like overkill one effects. I looks extremly sharpened and hurts the eye. The render itself looks strange to me, but maybe that's just me.
Actually, I didnt ripple that much, it just looks that way because of the sharpen. And dont you ever post a positive comment Plug-in?
Twas a bit of a Joke. I know you dont spam, just pointed out that that specific post was spam. Either way, no hard feelings. Um, off the top of my head... Do something on an upcoming game you want. Either Design a Poster advertising it or make your own Custom Cover for it. Just a suggestion/idea.
Ill do a poster for a game. But I need suggestions on specific games. I am not good with ideas. EDIT: Dizfunky, are you going to post or what?
Okay, um. Do a poster on Fallout 3. Or Farcry 2. With a poster, you dont want to have it riddled with text.