>Dodgeball Map< >Dodgeball Game Var.< This is my first post on this site. I hope u enjoy the game. This was one of my first maps i made on foundry. Let me know of any flaws. thanks. This an intense game of 2 teams of 4-8 players. The grenades would be the "dodgeballs". An enclosed court with a pit dividing two halves of the court so that players from one team cannot get to the other teams side. The Dividing Pit is a pit of exploding barrels that blow up every 30 seconds. The game varient is Team Slayer Dodgeball. There are regenerating grenades. When one person dies, a player from there team must kill a player from the other team for them to come back into the game. The game ends when u get to 25 kills or everyone from the other team is dead. Let me know if anything needs improving. Here are the screenshots... Side A: Respawn Side A: Side B: Respawn Side B: The Dividing "Line": If You Cross That Line: The Full Court: Your View: >Download It Here<
In the words of Borat, "Very nice". This map is kind of like my "Plasma Ball" map but I like the death pit twist. lol
OMG! This looks good. I have an unrealeased dodgeball map that is identical! How weird is that? I used the deathpit too, but mine has teleporters. I have been working on it for a month now.... Nice job.
This map looks awfully similar to my dodgeball map, just kidding. I guess we had the same pit idea. This looks pretty nice but I don't really like the fusion coils because them exploding could create lag and obstruct your view. Mooregames, is making my deathpit concept too. I am going to have to get right on mine to tidy up the newer version because when I made it in december the interlocking wasn't available. Man, I thought I was so clever to be the first to incorporate no honor rules but now it is an old concept. Edit: What are the top boxes for?
Umm... unless you put high gravity on, you can still grenade jump out of this map, run along the walls and start assassinating like crazy. So, the honor rules are still there. I want to see a dodgeball map where there are no honor rules, gravity is normal, and the players can still get up close and personal. Nice work, though. Dodgeball maps should be every forger's first foray into the art. Also, XXTexasHornXX, do you think you could get a more or less comprehensive list of dodgeball maps together? It'd be nice to get them all in one place.
I could definitely do all the ones listed on the forums, but I don't know where exactly I would post them. If you look at my newest post on my thread, you will see the map I am about to start is going to have all of these things. Quick Solution: Two boxes high boundary, Outside Standoff/Rat's Nest, pit in center long enough to allow normal jumping, ledge to prevent falling into the pit that will make you fall to your death for a suicide penalty, and tidied up interlocked court. I am really pumped to make it this weekend; no stealing :squirrel_wink:.