In order from the date I made them Oldest to Newest. lol, Joke over at HG it's not really a sig, but w/e meh I haven't really done alot of work this is pretty much all of done in about 2 months. sad really.
Thats my gamertag D: but its a REALLY long story (well not really i just don't feel like telling it) on how I got the name.
The knuckles one is definitely not up to your standards. But all the others are good. They all have good FX and depth.
You have a really good spread of techniques there, I like the last one best of all those because of the blending, and I like your current as well it has a good colour scheme.
I know D: That one was just to play around with vectors, I wasn't really putting much effort into it.
With the amount already out there? It's not even worth it anymore. This one is most indefinitely the best.