"The Sangheili adored the cold weather in this area, but the Humans had already settled here...EGS Berserk" FreezeBurn is a map i created for the Template Contest W2. I really crammed alot of my time into creating this map (72 hours worth of time.) I used up this much time in about a matter of 4 days building this map. Which means i pretty much had no life this past week. Anyway the theme of Freezeburn was kind of like Cold Storage. I added some "vents" as an aesthetic feature also. FreezeBurn's main gametypes are One Flag, 6 Person FFA Slayer, and 3v3 Team Slayer (Team Slayer works best). The map's reccomended amount of players are 2-8 people but it can support a maximum of 10. Weapon Spawns... quantity/weapon/time/clips/start/symmetry 1 Beam Rifle/120/~/yes/symmetrical 1 Spartan Laser/120/~/yes/asymmetrical 1 Needler/45/1/yes/both 2 Battle Rifles/30/2/yes/both 2 Covenant Carbines/30/2/yes/both 2 pairs of Plasma Rifles/30/~/yes/both 2 Brute Shots/60/~/no/both 1 Energy Sword/90/~/yes/both 1 Power Drain/90/~/yes/both 3 pairs of Plasma Grenades/10/~/yes/both 2 pairs of Frag Grenades/10/~/yes/both Overview Screenshots... Overview of the Defender's Spawn... Overview of Attacker's Spawn... Overview of Neutral Territory (notice the Acropolis Bunker) Overview in front of the Defender's Spawn (area1) Overview in front of Defender's Spawn (area2-Vents in the upper corner) Curved Ceiling leading into the needler hallway (also the Flag Spawn and return for attackers)... The Same room showing where I used the Template... Team Slayer Action!... Boom!!! Headshot!!! Super-Detonation from the grave!!! He died...nothin special -.-" Minor One Flag Action... Get that Flag!!! He's Freezing Cold O.O" I fell to short... Now that we're done here. Its time for the Download Links for the map and flag gametype. I hope that you enjoy the map. FREEZEBURN ONE FLAG GAMETYPE: FREEZE FLAG I'll update the post with a Layout sooner or later...
YAYZ CURVEY CEILING !!!! Anyway I like this map, good cover/great aescetics/and just good looking gameplay! 5/5/5/5/5/5 And I don't know if you did or not, but don't rate your own map plz!!
VERY nice geo-merging and interlocking. dont rate your own map though. that is noobish The gameplay seems boring cause there isnt much cover, unlike what others said. i would add more
yummt looking interlocking and gemoergin id dl if i haad any more slots on my q. WHA like the man cannons to make it like a freezer
I like this map, Looks really nice for FFA by the pictures, I'm downloading this map of course!! Duh! Really nice Geo-Merging and Interlocking. 5/5 I might play 2 v 2 on this map too!!
Great! I absolutely- HOLY CRAP! There are 14 people viewing this thread. Sorry just had to say it. Anyway, love the layout especially the barrier scheme which reminds me of warlock. The bridge is an amazing touch. The second picture is also very cool looking. I'll cue for download and when my xbox comes back from microsoft (curse those red lights) this shall be the first map I play on.
I like this map. Looks fun for objective games. Love the dumpsters and curvy ceiling. Good job =) 5/5
when i was testing with you for a bit, i really did enjoy myself. Team slayer was every fun, and 1Flag was fun (Besides how fast it was ;D ).Oh and territories were interesting with how small the map was. Hm i think i see myself in some of the pics up top too . Anyway 5/5 Very good job. If you need testing again just message me
ya kidbomber your in quite a few of those pics. And like i said team slayer is much better suited to this map. Freeze Flag (one flag) is quite fast because of the sheer size of the map. thanks to everyone who left some feedback but when i look at the download count theres only maybe a few of you who actually downloaded it. alienman the text is bright on a dark background i dont know why you want me to change it its perfectly readable. This map was mainly for the template contest btw in case none of you read it. Also check my other map C-BL0K BETA ; ).
i love it, its great, does it have a roof to the entire place? it has a kinda dungeon feeling, i like- i reely like
Looks very nice with the curved ceiling! Nice merging too, it looks very straight. I guess the weapons are balanced too, I just have to download and see. Great work man, 5/5