Does anyone have the map pack for it? if you do please tell me if it is worth spending my mp on it tyvm oh ya if any1 wants to play cod4 then add BooM Krootal1ty (capital m)
i have the map pack i thought it was not worth it because i barley play any more but if you want to play with people you need to get it because everyone has the map pack
i dont have it, but i think you should get it. i think that it looks great and has great gameplay. i played it at my friends house
Everyonw I know has the map pack. But I would first spend my MP on leg map pack instead of cod4 map pack. It's literally killing me that I need 5 dollars for 1600 mp.
Yeah if you don't want to be the pain in the ass for your party you should get the maps its only 10 bucks "I wipe my ass with 10 dollars."
I bought the CoD4 Game of The Year Edition, so a code for the map pack came free (lucky me) It's worth it, I guess. You should get it if you play CoD a lot. If you're not active on the game then it's a waste.
Dont buy it, the only good map is the inside one where you never play creek is one sided (team on top of the hill wins 99% of the time and chinatown just plain confusing with its layout lol
don't like creek played wit friend, t.v. campaign room is average and even sided i don't think i'll get it tho thank you all for the input when h3 comes with map pack i spend extra points on cod4 map pack
If you play it alot its well worth it. Search and Destroy on Broadcast is one of my favorites and creek on anything is fun.
I don't know why you're not getting it. Killhouse is great for noobs who think they can 1v1 you. Broadcast is an EXCEPTIONAL Search & Destroy map. They opened up alot of areas and it has a very unique style of play. This is one of my favorite maps. Chinatown is also an amazing Search & Destroy map. I love rushing left with bomb and taking out claymore planter, then hiding behind dumpster and killing whoever comes to check up on their teammate's corpse. However, I thoroughly hate Creek. The attackers (the hillside) is overwhelmingly boring to play in and makes for rushing to defenders. Although I do like the defenders side of creek. I got my 23 kill streak by sniping on rooftop + shooting people running on ledge. There's a few housing in Creek that are fun for camping in, and the cave is not that bad for hiding w/ shotty. However, Search & Destroy on this map is ****. All in all its a great map pack and I lurv it. The GOTY edition no longer comes with the maps though, so don't get it. Activision took it out for no apparent reason.
Y35 I must disagree with ya on that. I almost never lose when I start in Creek's low ground, in fact I find it easier because I can rush through the cave, come out shooting, and clear out any stragglers while hiding amidst the wooden supports, then make my move up the ladder and around the road and I kill anyone who I manage to successfully flank. Chinatown isn't that confusing if you play'd CoD2 (but then again not everyone owns CoD2 so you have a point there). Although I do agree with you that Killhouse is loads of fun to play on. Damn....makes me wish I could actually play Xbox but nooooooooo I come home from a day at Cedar Point and turn it on the next morning to find out it got the E74 error while I was gone. Maybe it missed me and went into shock? But I digress.......... If you're still into CoD4 and play it a lot with your friends get the map pack, but if you find yourself playing it less and less, you might just want to hold out on it.