Charizard because he is like a cross between a sexy dragon monster and master chief. Sooo sexy man. Soo sexy.
go charizard!!!!!! he is soooooooooooo cool. he has like fire, and like............................................Nevermind lol
I remember I opened a pack of Pokemon cards once, and got a Holographic Charizard. That was my first orgasm.
So you mean, like, Misdreavus or Haunter or something? Anyway: Scizor. He's a crimson metal ninja mantis dragon!!! You can feel the badassness that radiates from him.
I hate anything after 151 and I ****ing hate everything after 250. I'd say: Charmeleon, he's just plain awesome. He seems underrated or overlooked, I love him.
OMG YES. ok charmander hands down. then charizard, i love pidgeotto, ninetails, ponyta and rapidash, ohh and cubone!...and um..dragonite, mew and mewtwo....i thin thats all my favorite ones ^.^
First gen is cool but I also consider second gen real pokemon too because it came out so long ago and it had all of the original and all of the new ones. Gold and silver where probobly the best games imo. Although red and blue were amazing.