Okay so I was thinking and I decided instead of a popout I wanted a freestanding non boxular sig so this is what happened. Okay so scratch that one... I experimented with a clipping mask and the pen tool and this is what I got. Okay those last two sucked... So here is one that I think is decent. Oh and the clipping mask is the spoiler in my sig.
sorry to say this but that just looks awful. way to busy and it distracts from what should be the focal point.
Okay... I like the pic. Very... ummm. But anyway this is why I have this thread. For CnC. Anyways I made a new one so check it out.
If you'd like to do that, you'd need to make the self standing 'shape' a simple shape, and it would have to be a simple design.
Okay first things first... Vinny I like my shape and I'm not changing it... and it will be as complex as I want. Also... Spoiler When wasnt Boxular a word!?!?!?!
okay seriously I appreciate "new" "fresh" things and ideas in all of their "glory" but this is well ummm yeah I don't get it, I really don't see how this makes the sig that you cut up better I can see doing with like say this\/ but not the one that you did it to.
I can understand what you are saying, but CnC was asked for. If he doesnt like what we say, then he shouldn't have started the thread
I don't mind what you say... Usually I take it into consideration and more often than not change it to meet your criticism. But that wasn't something that I thought would make it better so I decided not to take that piece of advice.
I remembered the greatest thing of art just now, since I am an artist without computers and with computers it is: Art is about expressing freedom and your own feelings.
Yeah I think I found a version that I like so I'm just gonna stick with it. Thanks for understanding.