What the ****? It's color clashing, so put a gradient map/photo filter/any other adjustment layer to fix it. Anyway, the first is definitely better if you follow my instructions.
I definetly agree with Vinny! The colors are kinda ewww... But I like the picture in the first one but the money and text in the second. I'm not too fond of the painting style though. It just screams "I am poorly drawn!" to me but it's a matter of preference.
v4 is much better, but you have to remember not to take it extreme enough so that it becomes monochrome. As you progress, you'll understand. But v4 is much much better. <3
I like V.3 more but you should go with the bigger text. And why did you only say Vinny and Norlinsky? :'(
lol and lord you too....BTW vinny norlinsky AND Lord, imma post the PSD file from v4 and im wondering what you guys can do with it.... it says v5 but its v4 here....so yeah RapidShare: Easy Filehosting