Spartan Hills READ THIS! Well first of all this map is more of a fun map and not really a competetive map..but i dont know where to put it so I just put it here. Let me know if u know where I should post this map. Ok well before people leave me comments saying "its sloppy" "theres no merging" etc. I wanna let everybody know that this is one of my rly old maps and when I made it i didnt even know what geo merging and interlocking was. So if your gonna leave a comment..then dont tell me that stuff is crooked and i need to merge the boxes etc, because if i make a version 2 I will do all that. This isnt one of my greater maps and im just posting it because personally..even without the geo-merging and interlocking, its probably one of my favorite maps. The gameplay here is really fun since its a large map and it supports all game types. So let me know what you think of the map and be sure to try it out before you say it sucks! Onto the map.. Weapons: 1 Sniper 1 Shotgun 1 Sword 5 Battle Rifles 2 Assault Rifles 2 SMG's 2 Spikers 2 Plasma Rifles 1 Needler 2 Maulers 5 Carbines 1 Plasma Pistol Equipment: 8 Frag Gernades 8 Plasma Gernades 1 Camo 1 Oversheild 1 Bubble Sheild 1 Power Drain 1 Regenerator 1 Rador Jamer Spawn Points: 20 Attacker 20 Deffender 40 Neutral Download Here! : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Pictures: Overveiws Bottom Floor First Floor Second Floor Third Floor
Great ideas, good cover, but lacks neatness and dosn't look like hills 3/5 *EDIT* : YAY First Post I give me a 5/5 LOL!!!
its meant just for slayer lol its one of my older maps so i wasnt as good. so no gametype or anything. but its got fun gameplay.
I think that everyone will know that stuff is crooked from the description and pictures about the map, You have good weapon placement in my opinion. But heres what you need to fix about the map. 1. Interlocking the Floor. 2. Fix un-Straight walls/Window Panels 3. Attackers need more defensive Objects. (Crates, Wire Spools or anything you can stay behind for cover.) 4.Take out the shield doors or there will be SERIOUS camping/Pawns. Other than that, The map is better than any other un-Advanced forged map.
i like it. for a map without merging its awesome. it would b crazy with merging and interlocking tho. ill dl it and play with some friends.
It looks like a fun map, and pretty well built without geomerging or interlocking, but there seems to be alot of sheild doors and they are by power weapons too. If you do make a V2 of this, i would take some out because they might encourage camping.
awesome map for a map without geo-merging. 5/5 but if u make a second version u do need to take out the sheild doors
It's really tight, i think you should make a KOTH for this map since it is a hill, and improve upon what everyone has said so far, a v2 would be awesome!
Looks nice, although a little too overpowered. The weapon layout isn't too even, and the power base is a little overpowered...On the other hand, you have semi-good construction, and a fair layout that should be enjoyable for gameplay... 4/5
Looks nice, however this map could use some forging techniques such as interlocking and geomerging. Also aesthetics are an important to a map. After learning the interlocking technique which can be found here, flip the boxes over to allow a more smooth surface which allows better gameplay. Then you could add window panels or doors for cover in them Other than that it looks good Links to Help You: Interlocking geomerging Hope this was helpful, PM me if you have any other further questions, gl !
you said this is a fairly old map, well, i must say for a beginner(at the time) is a really good map, back when i was just starting forge i SUCK3D! nice work on the map 4.5/5
it looks like it would be a fun KOTH map, it is a little open though, just a few big empty spots on bottom floor. try fixing that if you still have budget
It needs to be cleaner with more interlocking and geomerging and it needs some more cover. Looking forward to a version 2! 3/5
Looks Pretty cool! It might work for one sided bomb/flag. Might work for territories if you place them in the right spots! Can't wait for v2 though! 4/5 for now