You`re welcome. xD I have a real love of army vehicle designs, so I tend to build stuff like that. I`m actually working on an MLRS right now.
Looks very nice and i like the idea of shooting the M.G.T. (Machine Gun Turret) from the window. Good Job 4.5/5
Awesome. Not only did you build a sick ass car, with several variants, but you named it after my favorite operating system. You win bro. +rep for awesomeness. EDIT: you should really make a map where you make one of these a base, and then they have to play CTF or assault or something.
Dude these are frekin ausome. 5/5 for all of them exapt the armory version, for a 3/5. Command is best!!! But I will take off pallets and in des. i put ur name ?????
Nice job. 5/5, I like your creativity and use of interlocking. I also like how it has 4 different modes. Keep making these aesthetic maps.