if you cant see it click the link link:http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=robtim17
Oh boy, Ill do it i guess. Your pictures not embedded, some one will prob comment on how to,since my discription will be terrible, also write a discription on what this is.
Okay. I'll be the one to post how to embed. You just need to make an account on photobucked/other image-sharing website, save the screenshot to your computer, and upload it to the photo website. The site will give you a link to copy and paste here. Nice pic too.
mod lock thread thread dose not meet standards. You have to embed the pic or else it will be a locked thread.
ok, you dont know the rules, if the person doesnt have embeded pics withing 24 hours, then it gets locked, they do this so it gives them a chance to correct their post.