Are we such snobs that we can't even bear to see our kids lose anymore? You know that there is something wrong with the world when someone, a child yet, is punished because he is too good at something. 9-year-old boy told he's too good to pitch
That is pathetic. "Oh, your too good, your banned." Well when he grows up and becomes a star pitcher he can tell them on TV to go **** themselves.
This kid has something going for him if he keeps practicing(which it looks like he wont get to do, due to them disbaning the team)
I agree with parents that he shouldn't be able to play on THAT team as a pitcher. They should move him up a few age groups to play with kids that have the same skill as him. The game isn't fun for kids if you can't come close to hitting the ball. The coach should have put him in another position so the other team would at least stand a chance. They chose otherwise and now the kid is banned. Doesn't the coach seem a bit stubborn to you? They're 9 for cryin' out loud....
He's 9 for crying out loud. It would be ILLEGAL to put him in a different league because they have STRICT age limits. And you think that if someone excels at something, they shouldn't be allowed to do it simply because other people might lose out?
That's relatively true at age 9. I remember playing baseball from about 7-8 to 13-14, when I was about 8 or 9, we had this pitcher on our team, he was godly, don't know if it was "40 mph" but he could throw the damn ball. Well, we were pushed by our coaches, cause "If you can go against him, you can go against anyone." ... Brilliant. Anyways, all-in-all, I agree with DtL, they should have either put him in a different position (until they were losing, teehee) or moved him up a few age groups.
Actually, they can very easily move players up according to skill. An older player can not be moved to a younger team, but a younger player can be moved to a higher age group if his skills are good enough. I've seen it done here in Chicago many times. My brother is very good at soccer, to the point where he's playing kids 2 years older than him. Think of it this way: Is that 9 year old going to get any better at pitching to kids that can barely hit a ball at all? I think he'd be better off on a more competitive team where he can further develope his skills. Being a big fish in a small pond is only fun for so long....
What the hell? That is like banning Draw the Line from forgehub. "I'm sorry sir, but your trains look too realistic. You're banned.
This is so ****ed up. I guess everyone in the world should just be mediocre. I hate seeing things like this. It's ****ing pathetic.