1000th Post on ForgeHub by Murdock Sampson Well guys its been 1000 posts and two months since I've started my visits here on ForgeHub. And now that I've reached my 1000th post, I decided to make something awesome, which is a wicked awesome map, but also a little more stuffs. First off, I'd like to say that since I've been at ForgeHub, it's been wicked awesome, so thanks guys, you really know how to kick it. But you know how awesome you are, so I decdided to give my life story, so you could know how... awesome?... I am: Myspace Pic of Sampson My life started with my mother giving birth to too many Sampsons. Her owner didn't want to keep them all, so along with my Sampson brothers, I was put in a box and left in a grocery store parking lot. There were 28 of us total, and I was the runt of the litter. But soon enough I killed my way to the top. I grew up on the streets. But I didn't grow up on the streets persay. I grew up living off the pidgeons that visited apartment rooftops. The most tasty of all was the Inferior Pigeons (Turbo_Gerbil's are also tasty). A little later I found at that this way illegal. I don't see why. When they tried to take me in, I ended up killing and eating several cops, and so now I'm on the run, a fugitive. I ended up locking myself in someguys cellar, and I found this computer. Now I've been on ForgeHub while the police are banging on the door outside for two months. And they NEVER quiet down. ON TO THE MAP.... Well this map is basically a yahoobligan of funnery. While that might not make sense, all you need to know is that it's awesome. The gametype simply carries the awesomeness of the settings for the map. You don't HAVE to use it, but I suggest you do, otherwise things won't work too well. NOW PICTURES! The main feature of the map is of course the "1000th" sign. Its like having a map where the title is huge and in your face. Except for its exactly that. There are other smaller features there.... being words. One awesome thing is I made some sort of crazy contraption. You throw a plasma at it and it bonces around man cannons until it gets to this wall. then it just continually bounces off the wall into man cannons and then on to the wall again. Yay! Artists Depiction: Custom Powerups There are three custom power ups on the map, all with setting to help you have fun! Here they are: Ice Rink Low gravity and high speeds make slipping around on the ice crazy fun (circular structure). 90 Seconds of being stuck in the man cannons in the cavern This may sound like a drag, but I like it. A minute and a half may get annoying, but your the stupid one who fell into the trap Cloning Machine Sorry I have no better pics, but right next to the Ice Rink is a Cloning machine. The custom power up puts you on 10% damage, and then you get hit by the soccer ball, jump over it, and pull off the turrent. That simple. GOOD BYE FOR NOW Well its been fun ForgeHub, and I hope to stay here for a few more posts and a few more months (if not years). for being so awesome to me, and for reading about my map/1000th post. And remember, I love you with a burning passion! Download 1000th Post Dowload ForgeHub Note: when put up in a custom game, it says "1000th post on ForgeHub"... lol! FEEL FREE TO USE THIS IF YOU WANT IN YOUR SIG:
wow this is so stupid. any idiot can post on forge hub a thousand times. but it is good to see your enthusiasm about the site. Woo... Calm down
The map is very awesome. I like it. Review: (OMFG is he actually gonna do it.) Aesthetics: 1000/1000 Lols:1000/1000 Overall: Over 2000! No, but cool, and, how do you have more posts than me!!!!
nicely made 1000th post, lol i never even thought of making anything special for my 1000th post...nvrmnd ill do a v2 of your map and make it 2000 (jk btw) ill figure something out!
Gratz on 1000. This is pretty funny. I guess you posted this in the aesthetic section. I love the cloning machine. that is pretty awesome. Awesome competitive map lol.
ha this map wont work any more cause you have 1000 and 1 post lol it is nice i thought you were some thicky which posted nothing so like tex's off topic thig 1,000,000 post thing
i dont think its worth downloading, its not a big deal, its just a giant number made from crates, nothing fun, just something to look at for a few seconds, and it doesnt really look like fun. just a waste of memory... no offence
57 posts whippe like you have room to talk Congrats Sampson, I remember when you first started I remember your first couple of posts, now you have passed me up big time and have 5 bars of rep!!!!! That has to be a record for fastest to bring posts up in that amount of time lol
I suppose your 50 posts makes you ignorant then. Posts don't make any difference, but celebrations commemorating certain levels of GET do. THE MAP: Interesting, a lot of this stuff hasn't been done before. I like the fact you told everyone that "this is a trap" It's not going in my hundred, but it's definatly pretty creative. 4/5
Wow way to be a tool its A JOKE!! But congrats on a very sexy 1000th post good sir. Maybe you'll have 1500 by Christmas, and then 2000 by Valentines Day and then 2500 posts by Easter and dare I say it over 3000 posts by next summer. Ahhhhh!!!! That's ridiculous. Give this guy a medal or a cookie or something. MURDOCK FOR LOYAL 08!!
okay well thats good how you have 1000 posts and all but its not special but well at least your dedicated but i dont think that cannibals are allowed on forge hub
thats a lie i know.... no. the next post was my 1001st post. okay everybody listen cuz i'm only saying this once (although other people will say it like hundreds of times): this may not be a "joke map" but it is not a serious map. its just for fun so don't worry. btw there's a hilarious gif coming up for this soon.