Brownies! Hey everyone this is a map i (Stealthyhawk14) made called Brownies. I named it brownies because i couldnt think of a name and i was eating some rlllly good brownies when i finished it. So yea =] It isnt as organized as some of my other maps because it was just made for fun when i was bored. There are some ways I know of to get out of the map but i dont really care because when you get out...theres nothing outside. Alright well heres some stuff thats in the map..and pictures! Also check out some of my other maps(better then this one). Resistance: Oblivion V2: Weapons on map: 1 Sniper 1 Shotgun 1 Rocket Launcher 2 Assault Rifles 3 Battle Rifles 2 SMG's 2 Spikers 1 Needler 1 Brute Shot 2 Carbines Equipment on map: 6 Frag Gernades 6 Plasma Gernades 1 Bubble Sheild 1 Power Drain 1 Camo 1 Oversheild Spawn Points: 45 all together... 15 attacker 15 deffender 15 neutral Supported Game Types: All Download Map Here : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Pictures overveiw 1 overveiw 2 Other Pictures
It looks very cool, but not very competitive at all. I like how you built that thing with the soccer ball and the barriers. Very nice aesthetics here. Brownie was a good name choice.
I think your math is a little off 15+15+15=45 not 39 Anyways, it looks decent. Probably good for slayer, KotH,Oddball maybe CTF. 3.5/5
lmao i had 39 spawn points on the map i uploaded yesterday. guess i accidently wrote that down again. xD
Looks pretty cool, I'll give it a try, the only bad thing that I foresee is the rocket/shotty/snipe. I don't think the map looks big enough for all those plus camo and overshield but maybe I will be wrong.
this looks well cool and it is the best name ever so well done on that lol also it looks like game play will be really good on this
Kind of odd. I am not quite sure what the purpose is either... I do like the merging techniques you used, you just may need a little pushing i the right direction. You do have good skill, just use them to their full extent. Keep Forging!
looks very cool. i like the use of barriers. you may notice my signature looks similar to ''colbster 94''s one. it is because i got warned so many times for spamming i decided to make a new account! i will download this.HAHA you cant keep me off forgehub MODERATORS!
I don't care for the name of the map, but the aesthetics are interesting. Very original designs, with the barriers and cones, a lot of things you don't see commonly. It looks fun to play, though some areas are a bit sloppy and should be improved in a v2 perhaps, like I don't like the barriers around the Rocket Spawn, and some wals are a little uneven. Overall, though, it looks interesting.
good job hey good job i already rated it as pretty good im downloading it right now i hope its as good as it looks.
the map looks really good but why would you call it brownies because i dont see little girls running around
i like how you built it with barely any interlocking, or from what i can see, it isnt that much. The gameplay looks bad though. you should replace the rocket with a sniper or shotty.