Acelention By Mister Hat Acelention a small map fit for 1 vs. 1 game types, but also can be used for players 2-4. The map is made so you could have fights from across the map. The special features on this map are: the elevator a geomerged gravity lift that boosts you up on top of the rock wall the rock wall a wall with ledges you can jump on to proving to be a great place to snipe from witch can be accessible from the elevator or the bridge the bridge a walkway made of fence walls the z base a wall with a opening shaped like a z the sniper box a box with a sniper the green house a structure made of fence walls weapons Battle rifle x3 magnium x4 sniper [no extra clips 120 second respawn] shotgun [no extra clips 120 second respawn] bruteshot spiker smg x2 plasma rifle x2 plasma grenade x4 spike grenade x3 power drainer regenerator bubble shield mongoose
Try using tinypic, they're more reliable. But anyway, I looked at the pics and the map looks really clean. It's pretty random, but original. Good job
Link to the pictures is broken, and you should have pointed out the DL link is the title. Also you may as well get a photobucket account if youre gonna be posting more maps, they make it alot easier on the uploads.
this map looks pretty awesome! im not a fan of the back hallways, but i can overlook that because you made some seriously awesome structures. I love your use of walls to make sweet ramp base things. i dont know what to call them, but i think i need to see them more often. also it looks like you found the perfect uses for fencewalls. I get a very Martyrdom-Vibe from a few locations on the map though, thatd be my only complaint really. i approve of all the weapons too. which doesnt happen often actually. Im happy to see the variety without being obnoxious with them. All the settings look well thought out too. Congrats on a sweet map.
I think you should of added my name in to this if it wasn't for me you would of made a totally different map which probably would of sucked lol nahh i like this also cant wait for the next ones
wait is this the one were you began by making that bowl with the wall courners and i said that you should do what you do best and changed the whole idea
OMG!! Two sexy dudes!! *shoots himself* Nah jk. Nice map! I had great fun testing it, even when I lost once. Or twice. But it's nice anyway. Oh great interlocking too! Though if you didn't merge them boxes that far down they could have been a bit straighter... But you don't really notice it anyway. 4.5/5
cool man can you put my name in it please cause i did help you really do the whole map any way i really like this map it looks cool
That's a pretty awesome map, although it does not look suited for 1v1. It is simply too large. Cool job using the one half of the map that is used the least, I can't say that I see that often. I am also a fan of the sniper spot, I have never seen something like it. And lastly, the geomerged grav lift is an awesome touch, good job on that. 5/5.
Nice job sexy have'nt seen you post a map in a long time. Also props for using back part of foundry. Also great interlocking.
well its well made,seems relitivly balenced,but where does the mongoose spawn?not much left to say but hope it gets featured!4/5