Hello!! I having trouble with uploading my map from Bungie.net. The problem is, I dont even know where to find my map on Bungie.net. Please reply as soon as you can b/c i have a great map i want to post.
You must go on to halo 3 then press start and upload your map to your file share, then you go to bungie.net. Click on your name on the top right and then click on your service record. Then you should see your fileshare tab, so just click on it.
Once you have your map created, save it as a new map, and post the map on your fileshare. Get on the internet, sign in to your bungie profile. You should have a fileshare option on your profile. Select it and find your map on your fileshare. YOu will then have the link to your map to download
Also, make sure the link is to your map, and not the fileshare. Do this by clicking on your map's name on the fileshare page. The page that it then takes you to is the url you need.
It might not be possible right now, I believe Bungie is doing stuff with their servers, however that might be over and done with now.
Ya it was down for me about 3 days ago but it came back up for me.Also how do i post the link? Is it just the regular BB codes? I also need a while. Im out of XBL, so when i get it will post the map and gametype. Thanks for your concern every1.