Halo Battlefront: thoughts??

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by xxDeeJxx, Aug 24, 2008.

  1. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    What does everybody think about a halo battlefront??, you remeber starwars battlefronts 1, and 2, why not make a halo style one??? you could have the covanent as a whole, and Unsc, or you could have Unsc, Elites grunts hunters, Brutes jakals drones, and maybe even a flood team, where you can controll a whole swarm of the little infection forms, and when you find a dead body, change it into a combat form???

    I think that game would be fun, and i would especailly like to play as a hunter.

    So whats your guyses thoughts:confused:
  2. Carter C

    Carter C Guest

    Cool idea, can't see it happening though.

  3. Thrall1138

    Thrall1138 Ancient
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    I would buy that right away. There wouldn't be many unsc classes in comparison to covenant though. I enjoyed Battlefront, and tentatively looking forward to LotR Conquest (wtf gondor mages?) I like that style of games and think Halo would have a lot of potential for it.

    Can't wait to see the random flames come in on this :haha:, got to love the internet sometimes :squirrel_wtf:
  4. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I did like SW Battlefront a lot, the second one was good, but I liked the first more personally. I think the first had a better feel ie. I liked the maps more and the second one didn't really have aircrafts on ground maps and the second one's space battles were too repetitive. I do think a Halo BF would be pretty awesome though. Another thing I didn't like in SWBF was that you couldn't pick up weapons and they had those stupid ammo restorers. It would make more sense to pick up dead enemy weapons. I think that Bungie would fix the flaws in that system and make them a lot cooler for Halo. I assume that you would probably just be a UNSC soldier right? And maybe MC could be a hero class and also the arbiter, johnson, keyes, like a flood juggernaut thing, and some other elites and spartans that all have special abilities. Yes, that is a great idea.
  5. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    there is so much that can expand from this, this is genuinely a good idea.

    Hero classes would be excellent. (Some that come to mind are Tartarus, Arbiter, Master Chief, Sgt. Johnson.

    Loosely follow the halo trilogy, but as a marine for a campaign mode.

    Either follow the trilogy, or make your own, back when there were a bunch of Spartans, and you play as spartans (early stages of the covenant/UNSC war.
  6. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    yeah, and, you know on SWBF2 the destroyer droids, clone cammando, classes that you had to get a certain amount of points to play as, the UNSC's could be a spartan, not MC, but just a spartan, the Brutes could be Brute chieften, the Elites could be Hunters, or honor guards or sumthin,

    but for the unsc classes you could have sniper demo. etc, but also have like ODST's and hunter killer drones,(not mentioned in halo, but possible)

    And they could keep the forge!!!! fun
  7. CD95 v2

    CD95 v2 Ancient
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    idk that could be pretty cool
  8. BACUS666

    BACUS666 Ancient
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    That sounds cool.
  9. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Great ideal, and it could happen because bungie did give the halo liscense to Esemble for Halo Wars. Spartans could be heroes and white armored elites or cheiftans could be too. The 4 factions could be UNSC, Loyals (Brutes, jackals, Some grunts and hunters), Sepratists (Elites, some grunts + Hunters, wont be going against unsc so nvm) and flood with stolen equipment idk. Or UNSC + Elites vs covenant. Yeah im rambling on now so basically it would be great and it can happen.

    Oh and AT AT's = Scarabs a little so they could do that.
  10. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    It would be cool what I would want is you could choose to be the Humans and Elite team or The Covedent. You could choose for humans each armor from Halo 3 with a certain ability like the Scout would be the one that has a sniper EOD Heavy Weapons.
  11. Micronauts

    Micronauts Ancient
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    Yeah it'd make a great chance to tell some of the story before the Master chief. SWBF spanned all the different times of star wars, and it'd be great to fit that into a halo version. One earlier back with varying spartans, Recon, Assualt, etc. types with their own armor permutations. Then it could go into the Halo 1 era where the Humans and elites still fought each other. C'mon still at times It is more fun to shoot an elite (One that is alive bungie -.-) then a "Brucie!" brute. Then to the more current events like the flood getting stronger and the heretic being around, It was sorta cool having grunts with those blue things around them. It was an interesting lil appearance change. By now Master chief would have his new armor and all. Plus with all the creative weapons bungie has for the covenant it'd be interesting. But yeah I'm sure they'd have to break the humans into more common sniper and so on classes unlike the covenant with their gold elites and so on.
  12. TheKeebobBobagawa

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    This sounds like a good idea, but doesn't seem like it'll happen soon. But if it does, the hunters would own. Also playing on user created maps from Halo 3 would be cool. Like you can download maps off peoples file share and play on it in Halo: Battle Front.

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