Some of this week's updates are good, and some seriously suck. I want your opinion. Please read through whole thing. The important stuff is maps, gametypes, and playlists. Thanks for reading! View Bungie Weekly Update: CLICK HERE.
Im actually trying still to figure out " Are they getting rid of big team battle for both ranked and social?"
Go to the halo discussion part of the forums theres already 2 of these topics but it's alright this **** happens.
Called it. I ****ing called it. Biatch. Damn, that sucks, though. Would have been nice if that did work out, but I kinda expected this.
I believe rocket race still deserved it's own playlist, or should have been thrown into an infection/griffball/other customs playlist. How many times have you had people over at your house that do not own an xbox, so when they go into matchmaking they end up with 1 kill and say it wasn't fun. It happens all the time to me, and the only solution is to play a gametype that requires no "halo" skill at all. Why the heck would they throw a mini gametype into a playlist that you play slayer and crap in?
True I mean plus My friends aren't always on much and it's hard to amass a huge group...(I'm not lonely! I like keeping my friends list cleaned I mean like no peeps I haven't talked to since that game we met like two weeks ago.) which is why I was sorta glad when I got to play Grifball on matchmaking (yes it was my first grifball game...yeah my copy of Halo 3 broke by my killer 360's scratching power when all the good stuff like the sarkathalon went on and so on oh and I got bungie pro just before that so I wasted like 2 months of it -.-.) But anyways to the point, yeah It'd be fun to have a hopper with these more random minigames. Yeah but this new update will be interesting.
I think that eliminating RBTB and BTB was a very poor decision. It's true that there will still be a "DLC focused" BTB DLC, but I'm not so sure that the community wants to play rat's nest, avalanche, and standoff (man, I hate that map,) over and over again. I know that I don't. And what's going to happen to good 'ol valhalla and sandtrap? We'd have to veto again and again to get those to come up, and who wants that? Bad move, Bungie. On a positive note, I like that the number of players in LW has gone up. Maybe now I can finally get that overkill acheivement. I also think that it was a great choice to throw in Infection to the DLC FFA playlist, but I'd still like to see it have it's very own hopper.
DLC BTB will still retain all BTB maps (Sand Trap, Valhalla, and Last Resort). Don't just make assumptions.
I never said that it wouldn't. I just said that the DLC BTB hopper is going to be more DLC oriented (as the update says,) and that we're going to have to veto a lot to get the regular BTB maps to come up. You would have known that if you actually read my post.
I like pretty much all of the changes, scratch the increase in LWs though. I really don't like the spawns for 6 people on some of the LW maps, and 8 will just make the problem worse. Other than that, the addition of the new map variants (if that's what you want to call it) looks pretty tight, and everything seems pretty good.
I read that update this morning and thought that it's rediculous to get rid of big team... ITS SOOO FUN WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT!!?? but the "new" (using term lightly) maps sound pretty cool...