
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by You Saw Nothing, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. You Saw Nothing

    You Saw Nothing Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by You S4W Nothing

    Supported Gametypes:
    Infection (custom gametype recommended)

    Map Description
    With ammo supplies running low and defensive barriers activating the humans are forced to fallback to secure loctations while trying to fend off their former allies as they try to devour them.
    Zombie Pit is where it begins, zombies spawn in the pit behind shield doors with little cover between them and the humans. Humans spawn on a ledge with 2 battle rifles and 2 carbines in front of them but are close to the edge where the zombies can get them, behind them are 2 snipers and a tunnel with 2 shotguns and is the first location for humans to defend. At 20 seconds crates spawn for zombies to get onto the ledge forcing the humans into the tunnel, at 30 sec a lift appears to get the humans up to the second area, the first barrier activates at the same time shortening the open space between humans and zombies.
    Long Hall is the second location for humans to defend, at the top of the lift there is 1 mauler along with 2 pairs of smg and plasma rifle with 3 fire nades. From there you with run down the hall with cover on the sides while the center is still wide open the hall contains 2 assault rifles, 2 magnums, 1 needler, and 1 battle rifle. The zombies must rush down the hall to get to the humans or if they pay enough attention they may be able barrel roll around behind the humans. At 1 minute the wall gets blown down for access to the next location, and just in time as more barriers activate for the zombies.
    Shipping is the place you'll be spending your time intil 2 min when the gravity door is opened. When you drop down there will be a truck and a plasma turret on top as well as a fuel rod on top of wire spools, in the center there's forklifts with fusion coils giving a nice bang to any zombies nearby. Once crossing the forklifts there's a bruteshot on a wire spool which also gives a quick jump onto the loading dock which has a carbine under each sign and 2 sentinel beams on the table, if you look in the window by A you'll find a sniper rifle. At 2 min the next set of barriers activate so you know its time to fallback.
    The Armory is the next area to defend from and is pretty simple room of guns (this is my least favorite area because its a room of guns which why im glad i changed it from ending there) at 3 min the teleport opens and the barriers activate.
    The final area is the Fence Maze make it through and you'll find 2 plasma turrets to defend from the horde of zombies, or if you explore the maze you'll find a battle rifle, carbine, brute shot, sniper,and rockets. In the maze there's no place to hide so you want to make it through as fast as you can for the zombies will now be falling from the sky.


    Download Fallback v2
    Download Biohazard

    Changes in Version 2:
    -Honor Rule free there is no simple jumps to get out of the map
    -Lift out of the first tunnel works better less chance of getting stuck (extra mancannons)
    -Straightened the floor in the back tunnel of Long Hall
    -A few minor weapon tweaks in Shipping
    -Teleporter in armory is now open at beginning allowing you to get weapons then get out or choose to defend that bottleneck
    -Added 2 battle rifles, 1 carbine to fence maze
    -In fence maze Moved sniper rifle to pipes at bottom of stairs, rockets moved to were sniper was on the floor

    Zombie Pit - So it begins

    Zombie Pit - Bottleneck at bottom of the lift

    Long Hall - Top of lift

    Long Hall - Looking down the hall
    #1 You Saw Nothing, Mar 31, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2008
  2. You Saw Nothing

    You Saw Nothing Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sorry can only have 4 pictures to a post now

    Long Hall - Not so sneaky zombie

    Shipping - View from loading dock

    Shipping - Anti-Zombie forklifts

  3. You Saw Nothing

    You Saw Nothing Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fence Maze - Overview

    Weapons on map
    # Weapon spare clip
    2 Battle Rifles 0
    2 Carbines 0
    2 Sniper Rifles 1
    1 Shotgun 0
    1 Mauler 0
    2 Plasma Rifles
    2 SMGs 1
    3 Fire Nades
    2 Assault Rifles 1
    1 Needler 1
    2 Magnums 0
    1 Battle Rifle 0
    1 Fuel Rod 0
    1 Plasma Turret
    1 Brute Shot 1
    1 Sniper Rifle 1
    2 Carbines 0
    2 Sentinel Beams
    5 Assault Rifles 1
    2 Battle Rifles 1
    1 Carbine 1
    2 Shotguns 0
    1 Shotgun 1
    1 Mauler 2
    1 Spiker 2
    1 Fuel Rod 1
    1 Rocket Launcher 1
    1 Rocket Launcher 0
    1 Fire Nade (only respawning weapon on the map 10 sec)
    1 Carbine 2
    1 Battle Rifle 2
    1 Sniper Rifle 2
    1 Brute Shot 2
    1 Rocket Launcher 2
    2 Plasma Turrets
    #3 You Saw Nothing, Apr 2, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2008
  4. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
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    Wow, this looks like a really well thought out map, and it makes sense! I like all the timed events, ensures no 'end of level' camping. To be picky, there is a LOT of weapons, then again, it is infection, and there IS limited ammo... Well, i'm downloading it, i'll (probably) be back with how it played.
  5. You Saw Nothing

    You Saw Nothing Ancient
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    Thank you i've spent a lot of time on this map from my original concept idea, to the first version, and to the final i've spent problably 20-25 hours in forge. The weapons were something i was worried about originally but with no respawns and most headshot weapons with no spare clips your always low on ammo by the time you move onto the next area.
  6. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I really liked it alot, Played it over and over, first map that i have downloaded and accualy played repeatedly. Loved it man. 5 stars
  7. McNab 1

    McNab 1 Ancient
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  8. You Saw Nothing

    You Saw Nothing Ancient
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    Thanks i love to play it the only problem is most of my friends are on cod or rs:v and when we do get some games going they dont really like infection.
  9. Jonh03

    Jonh03 Ancient
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    same here
  10. wtfusck

    wtfusck Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks good
  11. Puffy Goodness

    Puffy Goodness Ancient
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    The next time all my friends are hanging out I will be playing this map. I hope to see lots more maps like this.
  12. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sweet! I made a map kinda like this. It has the concept that the humans are pushed back farther into the level. Mine only has three rooms and some tunnels though. I like yours a lot.
  13. You Saw Nothing

    You Saw Nothing Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Went back and fixed a couple things changes are in the first post

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