Become a Hero August 27 2008 Everything in this game is hand-drawn by Dan "Paladin" from The Behemoth. (The makers of Alien Hominid, and the owners of The price is 1200 MS points. Theres gonna be all sorts of crazy ass things to do. I've been waiting for this game for quite awhile, hopefully I see some of you playing with me More info at their website and devblog.
Yeah, I want it. Alien Hominid was amazing, and I have no reason to believe that this won't be even more amazing.
I've always loved arcade beat em ups like the simpsons or rivercity ransom, tmnt or double dragons. Ahhh sooo close
I have beaten Alien Hominid like 2 times and loved it, this games is a great game to play with a bunch of freinds which is a very fun time. Castle Crashers will probably be even more better which will be awesome! Iv'e been planning on getting this game since I saw it on Official Xbox Magazine, it will be a great game.
IDK, it looks OK, just not sure if it is my kind of thing. I will have to try it out and see then. Will get back.
Only two? I've beaten it at least a dozen times, and my friends and I have spent countless hours playing the four player PDA missions (wait, do they have those on the XBLA version?), so I can safely say that I got my $30 worth out of the game.
Here's a flash game that came out during it's development: Castle Crashing the Beard I really had fun with that, now imagine the real version =D
so when is the release date? or is it out? that actually looks really fun.. and if that was hand-drawn??? wow. he put some work into it.. i really like the concept and the way the game looks. its nice to play games that dont try to be as realistic as possible once in a while
It's out 12:00 tonight! Yeah, there are some videos of him (in the devblog video section) making the game, he's a GREAT artist. It's amazing.
It's out now, I got it at 3:00 in the morning. Me and 3 friends plowed through the normal mode. It's really fun, and competitive in arena mode. =D
i like the sound of it, but 1200 points is a little steep for an arcade game, seeing as halo CE is less
I got the game, Its very hard finding players though. Theres only about 35000 people with the game so far. Its really funny and crazy, especially when you are playing co-op and you beat a level with a princess, classic. They make you fight for the princesses' kisses.
I seen it already, just now actually. Its the Spoiler clown from newgrounds Does anybody want to play co-op right now. Im level 15 i think, Balanced Green Knight. Im working on my agility and magic.