How in the hell is this general chat? this is Halo discussion. Where'd you get that statistic? Whether you're an Elite or Spartan(that are their names, okay. You don't know what you're going on about, nub) does not reflect on your skill in the slightest. Its a matter of choice. So someone with a red shirt is vastly suprior to someone with a blue shirt. There is no better, its a matter of opinion and choice.
93% of statistics are made up by idiots. Care to site your source or are you speaking from the wrong hole again?
you got that picture from calvin and hobbes, good ol calvin has such an imagination. i own almost all of his comics... ANYWAY back to dinosaurs, they really wore wigs, did you know that???
how dare you compare an elite to the almighty dinosaurs. spartans win. now:
Seriously. Enough with the spam guys. Next spam post (or even one close to it) will be an infraction. Next 3 spam posts (or even 3 close to it) will result in a lock. This goes for everyone. Strikes: 1
who calls elites dinosaurs?! and i have a preferance of the spartan because i personally like them better, the way they look. but i dont think that 95% of the people who play as elites are noobs. in swat you actually have an advantage as one. and maybe its just theyre personal preference.
Lol, you got this from Calvin and Hobbes. It was a strip about Calvin and hobbes playing with plastic dinosaurs and jet models. Lol
My username says it all. But it's really just my opinion. I like being a human in most shooters. And really, in my other opinion, it is near as hard to get a headshot from behind a Spartan as well as an Elite. So in my opinion, it doesn't matter if you switch from Spartan to Elite in SWAT, it's just as hard for me, lawlz. Then again, I don't play SWAT. I like how you called Elites "Dinosaurs". You made me lol.