Map Title: The Great Wall A map based on foundry and has a wall going down the middle. []Download Map[/url] Use any game type Description: The in spiration for this map came to me while i was eating. Its got a wall going down the center. Inside the wall is a G-hammer and a rocket launcher that is the best weapon on the map. Theres a man cannon on the defenders side and a bridge up to the top of the wall on the offense its still a work in progress. I will be making a newer one soon. Sorry I only have a link to the pics im still trying to figure this out.
Do you have pics? Nobody will consider downloading it without a preview of the map. At least I won't consider downloading it.
I do but i cant figure out how to put them on the post lol wait heres some at war[url]
Your links are not working. Plus, you should embed your screenshots, and if your not sure how look here:
you do know that a map on foundry has already been made called the great wall and its just like yours except the walls like ten times larger. it was on bungie favorites for a while and plyed on during a humpday challenge!
It's a little sloppy. Plus, there's already the Great Wall by Lintendo64, which is undoubtedly one of the greatest Foundry maps in existence. There's never too many pics! More shots would be nice.
I know you are probably really excited about your post but I agree this name and concept was already used, looks like it is back to the beginning for you.
i made a map like this a while back. except the wall was the other way and bigger. also, on the other side, there was no cover, but there are 2 hogs, a tank, and lots of weaponry. to make it crazier, fusion coils are dropping nonstop! ah, the craziness.
I also made a map like this, and it was bigger. I called it Schematic. I'll proberly post it here when I think its ready.