=D hot. o/ And Jay, sure, why not. Colour/Size/You want it like that? I r capable of other things, but I have yet to find out if I can make them into wallpapers. (Feel free to use that by the way peeps, it's 1280x1024 though )
hmm, as other's suggest a tutorial or even the .psd on file front. I would want a white or lighter colored one on the back ground and blue wisps. I like lighter wallpapers.
I can take the Stoj bit off the top if you guys want. Also, a .psd would do nothing because Lens Flares are all on the same black layer and you can't see what I did to make it like that. I could do a tutorial though, it took a max of 30 minutes to complete, probably 15 because before that I was messing around with other stuff. Thanks for the comments, also, I can colour it whatever you guys want.
I'm gunsta add some stars and stuff to it and pentools and shiz. Jazz it up a bit then I might think about making a tutorial.