Underground Platform A

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Kaos Dinsy, Aug 24, 2008.

  1. Kaos Dinsy

    Kaos Dinsy Ancient
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    Underground: Platform A

    Hey, Dinsy & Ginger Bring you...

    Underground: Platform A

    This map was made by two people me (Kaos Dinsy) and GingerFreak777.
    I built the main structure of this map, and GingerFreak added detail, spawns, and weapons.

    This is our first forge map we have made, and I think it came out quite well. Biggest problem was roofing the whole thing to give the feeling of being far underground... but we did it.

    Story line:

    The city has finally become over run. A small group of soldiers head towards the subway as their last resort, but the infected are not far off. Fight together or die alone! Work your way through this unfinished and abandoned subway. Take heed, with small narrow corridors and sharp turns, the zombies could be around any corner. Can you survive the seven minuets until evac?

    Your only mission is to survive!

    A Walk Through The Map With Screenshots

    Zombies star spawn in the long corridor with a teleporter the other end, this allows time for the non-infected to run. Later in the game the zombies spawn around ¾ of the way down the corridor, so there is less distance to the teleporter.

    Humans spawn on a boxed of street with a road (which has fake vehicle teleporters so the road doesn’t seem to just stop) from there, there is a subway entrance which leads down some stairs to a side room and another set of stairs.

    On the “ground floor” there is some under construction ticket booths and toilet with shotgun. Also there is a hidden room behind the forklift. Going back to if you just walked down the second set of stairs there is a ramp to your left that leads up to a platform.

    On the platform there are two benches and a hard to reach rocket launcher. Also there is a way to get up to a ventilation shaft. On the platform dead ahead is the middle line of the foundry map which we used as a railway track, I will be adding a button so a dumpster comes flying along the track killing all in its path (but this isn’t include in this version). At the far end of the track is a teleport which leads to the other end of the same track. There is also a maintenance entrance with an invisibility in it.

    Back to if you just walked onto the plate form, if you turn left and left again there are two toilets. One with door open and a trip mine as a toilet seat, the other with door closed. On the map on my file share if you jump over the closed door using provided barrel there is a teleporter which leads outside the main station to a loading area visible from the road.

    The loading bay (outside) is very open with very little cover. There is an invisibility in a open box to the right. A flamethrower is in the open box in the middle. To the far left is a teleporter which leads back to the train tracks. Above the teleporter is a way to get to a hidden sniper rifle.

    That concludes my worded tour of my map,

    Power weapons set to 180 secs, middle weapons set to 150 secs, all other weapons are at 120 secs.

    List of power weapons:
    3 X Trip mines
    1 X Rocket launcher
    3 X Shotgun (all far apart and have low ammo)
    1 X Sniper Rifle
    1 X Flamethrower

    List of middle weapons:
    2 X Bruteshots
    2 X Needler
    1 X Carbine
    3 X Battle Rifle
    3 X Mauler

    Please note: This might not be 100% right due to the fact the verison uploaded at the momment is an older verison as the newest one isnt finished yet. But i didn't edit weapons too much so it should be very simular or no mistakes. Only thing I fairly certain is wrong is I think there is only one needler now but with full ammo.

    Gametype "Subway" Infection:

    25% of players spawn alpha zombies. All zombies have no shields and spawn with only energy swords. Alpha’s move at 125% and zombies move at 110% speed. The forced color for all zombies is black.
    75% of players spawn humans. Humans spawn with normal health, speed, gravity… and so on. Starting weapons are Assault Rifle and Magnum. There is no waypoint or forced color. Also you can’t use vehicles, due to the mass warthogs used as scenery.
    Last man standing will turn a way-point on, and forced color will be gold. Use of turrets on vehicles is now permitted.


    Infecting someone: +1
    Killing a zombie: +1
    Betraying: -1
    Suicide: -1
    Last man standing: +3

    Please Note: I gave Last Man Standing +3 as the idea of this map is to survive not to get the most kills, If you also like this idea i would suggest changing Lat man standing to around 5-10 points. It makes staying alive alot more fun and really test your skill of teamwork.

    Here is the map:
    Underground Platform A
    Here is the game type designed to suit:
    Subway Infection

    Many Thanks,
    #1 Kaos Dinsy, Aug 24, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2008
  2. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Why do people do this? People join Forgehub and their first post is a map? I had like 40 posts before I posted my first map. And this is'nt up to FH standards, This is going to get locked if you don't put pictures up. But anyways, The map sounds good for now. Oh, Bungies down again? Ok then sorry for telling you about the pictures.
    #2 STEClash96, Aug 24, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2008
  3. Kaos Dinsy

    Kaos Dinsy Ancient
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    Im sorry is there an easy way to get picture off of B-Net when the screenshot server is down????

    If there is it would have saved my around 20 mins of trying to describe a map, its not as if i chose to do it over just using pictures...

    And as i said as soon as B-Net screenshot sever is back up I will add the pictures.
  4. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    I recommend that you change the font color to something other then light grey, because some people still use the oldschool skin for Forgehub, which is a white layout. It's really hard to read light grey font on a white background.

    Back to the OP. I have read your post, I like the idea of this one even if there isn't screens, you gave a good description/idea of your map. I like how you made it a subway station theme as well. You should send me link to this one you get it all sorted out.
  5. Kaos Dinsy

    Kaos Dinsy Ancient
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    Yeah, i changed all the colours and added some info about the game type... just waiting for bungie to come back online and the screenshot's to upload... I took 35, lol. Don't know what the screenshot max is so i proberly will only post ten of them.
  6. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    And we don't want links to your photos kid, we want the pictures to be embedded into the post. But the map sounds cool based on the way you describe the pictures. If you need help embedding images, just PM me.
  7. Kaos Dinsy

    Kaos Dinsy Ancient
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    Thanks for the offer but I have used many forums i cant think it would be too different... its either code or a button.

    Only problem is bungie is still messing up... my account records still arent appearing, as well as everyone elses... I will try my best worse case is i have too retake them, but i hope it doesnt come to that. Also as soon as my fileshare is back online I will post in the files forum then link that too here for people to download.
  8. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
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    Why do people keep saying ill be right back to finish posting. Just post then and dont make us all wait and waste our time.
  9. Kaos Dinsy

    Kaos Dinsy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Look for god sake... i posted it then edited it... one problem bungies server is down if you havent noticed so i cant add the links... what do you want me to do? I've tried to make the most of what i have got, even worded a blimming walk through the map. As soon as bungie is back online i can add the links... the map is finished... the map is on my fileshare waiting to be linked (i know i post it in the files forum first).

    Im sorry if you feel like i have wasted your time, but if i could finish it i would...

    Just wait and stop moaning.


    and by links i mean likes to files and screenshots embeded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
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    Why dont you post it when the bungie servers get up. That would be much better.
  11. Kaos Dinsy

    Kaos Dinsy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Do you ever read posts? Really are you that dim?

    I wrote out the thing, then i found out you cant link to fileshare... which was fine... so i edited it. Then i went back to b.net to link it too file forum, but oh! B.net was down... what do you want me to do? really?

    Jesus the comunity on this is worse than B.net...
  12. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
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    Just because you get a little constructive criticism doesn't mean you have to leave forgehub and say it is worse then bungie. Just read the How to guide to not get "dim?" answers.
  13. Kaos Dinsy

    Kaos Dinsy Ancient
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    This isn't constructive criticism... and i never said i was leaving forge hub...

    PLEASE take the time to read my posts, reading isn't hard... even better stop repling please, im trying my hardest to get this file up here, and all i get is "abuse" from some impatient guy who has nothing better to do.

    Even better than repling to this with some other random comment that has nothing to do with the post i just made... even though you quoted it.

    Could you please just stop repling "ZOMG", at least untill i have sorted thread out.
  14. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    From the description this map sounds great! I can't wait until I get to download it! And ZOMG, he posted the map BEFORE he found out that bungie was down. Right Kaos?
  15. Kaos Dinsy

    Kaos Dinsy Ancient
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    Yes... thats 100% right... i only went on bugie net to get the links but it wasnt working... with any luck the file will be downloadable tonight... and the screenshots as soon as bungie fixes the screenshot error that they where talking about in their update. Sorry guys i was hoping to be seeing comments about people that have played the map and what they think by now.
  16. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    im pretty sure the servers up, well it is for me.

    im looking foward to this map, i demand screens/links.
  17. Kaos Dinsy

    Kaos Dinsy Ancient
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    The screenshots are up! Sorry for the wait, hope you you like,

    Ok have fun playing my map, enjoy,
  18. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks good :D

    dl from me.
  19. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    looks nic to me and I think that /I had almost 100 post before my first "map" got posted.
  20. Kaos Dinsy

    Kaos Dinsy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    does it really matter? The post is now up to full standards is it not?

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