Now, I ForgeHub is for custom made maps that users have created and this may not fall under that because it is complety the same as Foundry but with a minor tweak which causes the map to be nothing that Foundry was but everything in the same. Im having some trouble connecting to Bungie at the moment (Servers are to Full!) Ok after ten minutes its better, now i can delete that last part but Ill leave it for the hell of it.Anyways, here are some before and after pictures of Foundry. Above Rocket Spawn Looking at A&B Base Before After Top of A Base Looking to Far B Sniper Before After Many people love (or hate) Foundry and this map will completly mess anyone up. I hope you guys enjoy Foundry again! and if you feel like it, please comment and download ->HERE!
Hello! Welcome to ForgeHub! Here at FH we have some standards for posting a map. You can read these standards, Here. Please fix your post in the next 24 hours that way everyone can enjoy your map! p.s.-Noone else post "Not up to standards" replies or you will be reported for spam.
i'm not posting to talk about standards. i just wanna say that i don't see how mirroring the map really changes gameplay all that much. i mean, it might be fun to play one time with your friends and just not tell them to screw with their heads, but i can't see this as being a map many people would keep, or even download.
how can you mirror the map geometry? the tunnels in back? thats the thing i would notice if no one told me about
No he mirrored it on the other way. It looks interesting and does screw with your head. But I don't think I'll be downloading.
Crap, lol, looking at that for a long time makes me disoriented. Though it's not much of a map, just a reversed Foundry.
Well here are the images Foundry 1 Industrial 1 Foundry 2 Industrial 2 Its good that you uploaded them to photo bucket but you need to embed them next time. It isn't too hard, just add a to the end. Well I just read the bungie post and you say you didn't make it... Do you know who made it/you need to give them credit.
well u've officially wasted maybe a whole day of forging. i c wut u were trying to do, and u did it perfectly. but common who is really gonna want to download something they already have
Hey, someone made a Foundry that was upside-down, and I thought it was just brilliant. This is no less clever. More of a gimmick Aesthetic than a real map, but it's very well done and original.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's been done before. <---Link Your post was better than his, but his was first.
Uhhmm... Is this supposed to be for left handers or did you just get bored. lol. Meh, I've seen better ideas similar to this like upside-doundry. 3/5.
this is a pretty god map. i can see my friends lke wtf? also i think the mirrored version is better lol a 2/5 though for a strange idea