Hello forge hub, this is actually my second i made, im kinda nervous because i know its gonna suck and my first map is alittle bit better, and i might throw that one up later....but about port pit, port pit is a multi game, symetrical map, i made for FFA, team slayer and CTF. it "MIGHT" be good for infection. one problem is the screen shots are noobish so bare with me please. oh and please dont bad mouth me please, like i said b4 this my second ever made, tips and advice is always welcome....here the screenies: the is the power weapon room, this room has a shotgun, sword and hammer inside. (teleporter is hidden but somewhat easy to find. ths is the gravlift to the entrance of the flag/sniper room (both bases) there is only one way in and 2 ways (alittle halo humor) out of that room so no worries. thos room consists of a trip mine, gravlift for equipment and two snipe rifles. here is the entrance.(both bases) as i said twice now, this is my second map made, so here is bound to be tweaks needed and kinks to be worked out, ill check back to see all of your suggestions soon. link to map: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Re: pit port I myself know how hard it is to Forge something unique on The Pit. I think that you could have added more scenery and stayed away from clustering weapons together as seen on the 3rd screenshot. I need to play this though so I can see how the gameplay works. Good work though.
Re: pit port first impresions are good, it seems you've taken alot of time on building it, i am a bit causous that in an infect it could turn into a camp game, or ppl gathering around weapon spawns gunning down zombies as they come in and wit almost infinitant ammo and alot of ppl it wouldn't be a pritty sight well it would for the humans lol. ilike the look and seems to have some interesting and unique qualities. good work.
Re: pit port oh wow, thank you, i cant say i put whole lot of time in, its not an extravagant map. i mean it was my first CTF map, and it took a while to get the flags to spawn properly. but thank you for all your wonderful crticisim (i doubt i spelled that right) and if you have any suggestions for this map or you wanna try out my first map (a last resort map) let me know and have fun (thats all that it's about any way, right?)
Re: pit port The pit is a great map to forge on, my favorite that isn't foundry. The only downer is how many infection maps are placed, and infection is terrible. But, looks good, would DL but filled on Bnet.