I took these and I thought they looked pretty cool but I want one. I can't decide which one I want to keep. They are both of the same exact scenes but from different angles/views.
It would look best if you could get a pic where it shows that you're holding a mauler. Or whatever gun that is.
Of the choices, it would be the first. As far as composition goes, they're both a little lacking though. The best shot for what I think you're going for would be more of a head-on shot of the sniper, but to have the sneaky Spartan centered in the shot to give more dramatic impact to what's about to happed to the unwitting sniper. Kind of like this: If that wasn't the feel you were going for, totally ignore me. This comes from years of lame photography classes in high school and college. I've spent hours trying to get cool shots in Theater. Good job, though
that shot IS awesome...if your that good at photography, maybe you should help people in taking screenshots on their maps? :squirrel_wink: i actually like the second one cuz it looks like he's peeking out his head but apparently its just me lol
Thanks, guys. That one was a real pain; it's really hard to move the camera in that pipe on High Ground. I'd be happy to help Rejecting find a similar shot if he wants it.
The shot Squid took looks easy, just like mine. I'll try to recreate it. Edit: That's what I'm going for though. The Spartan sneaking up behind a Sniper, ready to Assasinate him, that kind of look. Also, the guy asking about the Mauler. The Mauler is a noob weapon, I don't like them. Edit2: I have added some things to the picture. I also have another picture. (I stole your idea of the lines around the picture. :squirrel_wink: )
Nah, that wasn't my idea. There was a thread going around the bnet site where people were making their own motivational posters. There were some pretty good ones and that was one of mine. You should submit some of yours...
It's just a Battle Rifle, my favorite weapon. Its not so much a motivational picture, it more of a 'I'm there to kill you' kind of thing. I don't really know how to explain it...
Ok well I'll tell you why I like what I like If you have ever read into photography then you know what the rule of thirds is? Well both pictures use it well so that is good whether you intended it or not. However the top pictures used horizontal thirds too, while in the bottom picture there is an entire top third left empty, which does not fit with the picture. Also the focus of your shot should be the guy who will be assassinating because he is the "action" of the picture, watching someone snipe isn't nearly as entertaining as watching someone get killed. Also also, The curves of the path in the first picture are absolutely perfect, they lead you eyes up to the sniper, you couldn't ask for getter curves. And lastly, in the second picture the assassin is was too small and is dwarfed by the sniper which takes away from the impact of what is a bout to happed. PS. The fonts, and borders for your last two pictures need new colors and you would do well with a new quote. PPS. The third picture is too plain and has been done many many times. PPPS. The pictures are low quality, read This post and get them high quality. PPPPS there are some good picture taking tutorials here Hope I help For clarity I was talking about the very first two pictures in this.
Ferret, you confuse me, ALOT. I just thought it would look cool so I took those pictures lol. I have no training or skill at photography AT ALL.
I'm sorry. Basically the second picture is better because it has the right placement of people and objects and the right curves. But that you should change the color of the borders and the quotes. If you want to learn more about photography go to the second link.