I love MLG, but my rank is only like a 20 right now. I haven't really started working on it. If it matters I am a 50 in doubles and a 49 in slayer.
19, and that is actually my friends. I don't have a 360, got to borrow his for 2 weeks. I spent too much time finishing his achievements though, I could've been much higher. I'm guessing 30 maybe. P.S. He hates MLG and never plays it, so I did start at 1.
Then why the flying **** are you on the MLG discussion forum!? Mine's like something really low, I dont play a lot of MM in general.
A 48 and strictly don't go in by myself to depend on randies who can never be trusted. I played a lot solo when version five came about, but lately I always try a full party of experienced MLG players, very rare, and almost never happen.
Ive been like a 40 on a 1 month going in alone, but I always played without a mic. Im at like a 28 on my main with like a 28-3 record running 3s
44, but I used to be 45. I lost it because I play with my friends who aren't as good as me so we went down. They were only level 20s and we were facing level 40s, so it wasn't the fairest games for us.
I love MLG but I rarely play MM... And when I do play matchmaking I get stuck with nubish teams so I think mine is like 9 or 10 or something not really high...
Mines pretty low, like 9, but I don't really care for the MLG Team Slayer Variants, I only like the CTF, so when I get TS I back out. But I really like Head to Head, I'm sad their canceling it, but then again only like 70 people play head to head.