Title: Torment (Download) Meant to be played with this gametype: Gladiators v2 (Check gametype thread for other maps meant for the same gametype also.) Screenshots: Description: Four pillars surround the center of the map containing the custom powerup. Lifts and bridges connect platforms surrounding each of the pillars. Bear in mind that these maps are meant for only two teams and those teams must be Red and Blue. See a video of this gametype being played: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgQ92xq5P30 Ladder software beta is open at halo3.thewestwalker.net. This map is featured in the Gladiator 2v2 and Gladiator 4v4 playlists. You can challenge me to my own gametypes through my profile.
You need some more pics...but map looks great, I would download but im to full with maps already, so yea 4/5
i have had this in my hard drive for a while now!!! congrats on yet another new map, although my fav is still ttremor!!! 6/5 on this gladiators map !!!
There are some unique original parts of your map, nice use of interlocking. Ty for posting a video. Good Job
On our site you make a team for 2v2 or 4v4 Gladiators (we have other playlists too) and you can challenge other teams competing to games for a certain time. You both show up, play the game, and then the site will look up the stats of the game via your Bungie.net profile and adjust your teams' ranks accordingly.
the four pillars need to be evened up, they arnt perfect, but still looks like a lot of fun, i prefer this map to the others
this is a really nice map from the first pic i thought it was that square enclosed map were there are two people fighting each other but no this is a really nice map well done on it
You can only pick up one of the powerups, and there are only 2 grav lifts that serve a purpose more than 30 seconds into the round.
Really isn't MLG at all, considering the simplicity of the map and the weapon spawns. It's well forged and carefully merged, if that's what you're talking about.