down load here a old unsc air support landing zone thats now out from above... supports all games 4-8 players...recomend king of the hill...wapproce i used interlocking merging objects in the floor unlimited money floating objects theres one area were you can escape its really unlikely you find it so ill just tell you on top of the standing up double box theres a slanted door by some barrows jump a into the wall there a really little crack and you have to throw a grenade on the side or it will fall in the crack and you grenade hope barely over unless the boundary of the roof knocks you back in thats the only way weapons and grenades from memory 3 battle rifle 2 sniper 1 flamethrower 1 energy sword 1 rocket launcher 1 spatin laser 2 spiker 1 needler 2 maulers 2 plasma rifle 1 magnum 1 plasma pistole 2 smg 1 shotgun 1 brute shot 8 frag 6 plasma 4 spike 1 bubble shield 1 regenerater 1 flare 1 active camo 1 radar jammer 1 mongoose action shots
i love the map layout and the weapon placement. this map tells a lot about you and how you put hard work into everything you do 7.5 / 10
really nice, seems like its good for team slayer mlg exetra. no way out of the map as far as i can see, nice work!
The map looks kinda small to have a mongoose. Still, nice work. It looks good, and almost all the interlocking is nice and neat.
This just looks like you butchered Bayonetwork up a bit... either that or this was greatly inspired by it; greatly. Lul. You should probably give the creators of the map some credit if this is true.
I was about to say that this map does also look a lot like Bayonetwork myself too!! But I must agree, It does Look a LOT like the map bayonetwork. In my opionion it deserves 4.25/5
It looks like a pretty cool map. Plus, your gameplay shots look freakin awesome. I like the six pronged thing you made with the teleporters.
The map looks great but I have a minor complaint re: smooth interlocking, at the walkway to get the bubble shield there is a bump, which can be an annoyence, I don't know if is intentional or a minor glitch, but you might want to consider fixing that
looks fun but arnt the rocks and the sword a little close together that a little bet overpowered other than that looks very nice i think ill DL
ok ill give the creators of bayonenetwork credit for thier idea when i first saw thier map i wanted to make one like it so i did and maby like tomorrow ill post game types for it so hold