Iodine -Theheat96- Intro Welcome, this is my second map I've posted on Forgehub. It is a very small 1v1 or 2v2 map. 2v2 Kinda pushes it but works well with One-Bomb, but I wouldn't try it with anything else. This map is very slayer oriented and is great fun. With this map I tried to make easy ways in and out of every situation. I would also suggest familirizing yourself with the map a little before taking your friends on it in a custom. Main Area: These two screen shots above really show off the main area. In the center is the perch. A mauler (120 respawn, 0 Extra Clips) is placed here. Also is the fence wall that looks into the back room. The two tunnels directly to the side is the attacker spawn. Finally the very furthest tunnels (One entrance not shown) leads to the back room. I didn't interlock the roof on purpose -O I know.) the grid look that resulted from it felt very roof-like, and well I liked it and it was easier, win-win IMHO. Spawns: This is defender spawn. [Note - In Asymetric gametype the double box on the bottom switches to a fence box, preventing camping when gaurding the bomb on One-Bomb] This is the Defender Spawn during symmetrical gametypes. Back Room: Stairs leading up to back room. Action Shots: Supported Gametypes: Slayer: Multi-Team 4-Person FFA 1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 Oddball: Multi-Team 4-Person FFA 1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 One-Bomb Assault: 2v2 3v3 4v4 Weapons.and.Equipement:.......... |Weapon|Respawn.Time|Spare.Clips| |BR....|..30.secs...|.....2.....| |AR....|..30.secs...|.....2.....| |Mauler|..120.secs..|.....0.....| |Spiker|..120.secs..|.....1.....| |SMG...|..120.secs..|.....1.....| |Regen.|..150.secs..|....N/A....| I only recommend a maximum of four people on the map at one time, it's even cramped with four. Download
Excuse me but ur post is not up to... lol Jk this looks very nice the interlocking looks clean and everything all in all 5/5 =]
Lol thanks, after I posted I was like I hope some nub doesn't come and flame before reading the entire post lol
an inclosed map! even has a smoothly altered ceiling! i can only say good about this place you have a deff. download from the uncle borat!
i like how you mde the walls looks smooth and interlocked everything. good map and nice wep placements! 5/5
could you add a weapon list please? i know about the maulers, but is there more? also, you could use just a little bit of cover in the big hallways, to make it a little easier to escape taking bullets down the hall, so then you could jump behind a berrier, or make signs interlocked sideways out to make small tabs to hide behind but even without that id still give a 4.999999999999/5 =P
looks nice bt all i saw was a BR and some frags are there more or is there just a BR? overall nice map like the layout of it
Weapons.and.Equipement:.......... |Weapon|Respawn.Time|Spare.Clips| |BR....|..30.secs...|.....2.....| |AR....|..30.secs...|.....2.....| |Mauler|..120.secs..|.....0.....| |Spiker|..120.secs..|.....1.....| |SMG...|..120.secs..|.....1.....| |Regen.|..150.secs..|....N/A....| There's a complete formatted list of weapons and equipement