Star Cruiser Star Cruiser My First Ship Map. INFORMATION: This is my 6th map post here on Forgehub. It is my first Space Ship that I have ever made. It was made by me and my friend JSlayer7. He did all the Geo-Merging but I can't take all the credit now, can I? Its is a small ship that took me more than 5+ hours of work. It has a small Bridge, An armoury, and a Vehicles deck. I have played the map with all Gametypes it is made for and the results were, Fun, Of course. And before you say that ships are real popular, I already know, That is why I wanted to see if I could make one myself. The map is made for 6-12 players, I was playing it with 3 v 3 and it was really fun!! This map takes up 1/2 of Avalanche, That is why the map is made for 6-12 players. Story: When The Pillar Of Autumn managed to get away from a Covenant Ambush, They thought that they were the last star ship that survived the incredible battle that killed thousands of UNSC Marines, But, They were wrong. While thay were being attacked by the covenant, The USG Ishimura, dropped an escape pod and landed on an unknown world, but due to a rough landing on the unknown world, their communications were destroyed and had no contact with outside world. But little had they known, The covenant were working on a secret project of their own, They gathered their best engineers to try and create a replication of a Halo Ring and start, The great journey. And when the USG Ishimura's drop pod landed, it appeared on radar, Now, you and your crew must fight off the covenant forces while your engineers are trying to repair the communications system and call help so that you can get off that God damn Forsaken Ring!! It was'nt long before the covenant took serious action against the humans attempt to foil there plans!!. NOTE:The USG Ishimura is the name of the ship you are stranded on in The upcoming scariest game of 2008, Dead Space! GAMETYPES: Territories Capture The Flag (CTF) Assault King Of The Hill (KOTH) Very Important Person (VIP) LOL WEAPONS: 1x Spartan Laser,180 sec,Symmetric 4x BR's, 2 clips each,60 sec 4x Covenant Carbines, 2 clips each,60 sec 1x Rocket Launcher,2 clips, 180 sec 1x Shotgun,1 clip,180 sec 1x Sniper Rifle, 1 clip, 180 sec,Symmetric ?x AR's, 2 clips, 60 sec, 1x Brute Shot,2 clips, 120 sec 1x Needler,2 clips, 90 sec 1x Energy Sword, 180 sec 1x Fuel Rod Gun,1 clip,180 sec 2x Spikers, 1 clip, 45 sec 2x SMG's, 1 clip,45 sec, 1x Missile Pod, Never respawn rate 1x Machine Gun Turret, Never respawn rate EQUIPMENT: 1x Active Camo,180 sec, Asymmetric 1x Bubble Shield,90 sec 1x Power Drain,90 sec 6x Spike Grenades, 10 sec 6x Plasma Grenades, 10 sec VEHICLES: (Theres A Lot) 1x Scorpion,180 sec,Asymmetric 1x Hornet, 180 sec, symmetric 2x Mongooses,120 sec 2x Warthogs, 150 sec 1x Wraith, 180 sec, Asymmetric 1x Banshee,180 sec, Symmetric 2x Prowlers,150 sec 2x Ghosts, 120 sec Pictures Of The Map: Attackers Spawn: Defenders Spawn: Weird Writing on the bomb: Front View Of The Ship: Geo-Merging, All done by JSlayer7. Back View Of The Ship: More Weird Writing On The Bomb: Action Shotz! War At The Back Of The Ship: Special Thanks To: Myself, For Building The Ship And Testing It: [IMG][/IMG] My Friend Alienvsbon For telling me what to fix and testing: [IMG][/IMG] My Friend Sir Snipedalot for testing the map with me: [IMG][/IMG] My Friend ikickurbut24x7 for helping me test the map: [IMG][/IMG] ikickurbut24x7's Guest: [IMG][/IMG] My Little Brother, for helping me test the map: [IMG][/IMG] [SIZE=7]DOWNLOAD lINK:[URL=""] : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing[/URL] [SIZE=4]Enjoy and Feedback is always welcome, For me and JSlayer7. Any suggstions towards a V2 Please feel free to post them. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
Lawl I r famous nao. The map really played great and it was alot of fun, though it took a long time to actually plant the Bomb. :/ I had most of the fun in the Tank though. Meh no Perfection. But the Geo Merging what most of the people will say, that it seems a bit random. Though it helps in narrow situations of heavy combat. Especially on One Flag, it gave alot of great cover to me. That was some good fun. See ya later, I'm ain't gonna post ma map today... Lawl.
That looks like an awesome map that has great aesthetics! From the pics it looks pretty clean. I'll probably DL
Looks very good. I don't know how people make these ship maps though, I try and I get two pieces in and then quit. Good job!
Finally a space cruiser that isnt really high up in the air and super hard to get on if you have fallen off
Hey, cool! The actual ship looks like it might benefit from a bit more nice interlocking... just to get it looking it's best. I like the geomerging. I think you shouldmake a V2 to just clean things up a bit. Have you seen TITAN? Yeah, THAT is a good ship. Also check out my ship please if you need a bit of inspiration (Blaze of Sol, see my signiture). Anyway 4/5!
did'nt u read it its his first ship map ur a **** u should go bother some1 else me personely thinks this good for a first 4.3/5
He doesnt know wat hes talking about, its a good ship i know i couldnt make any better one. ships aint my thing. for a first 3.5/5 looks good, i dont know how competitive it is, but i havent played it yet.
To those who may be confused: I did the geomerging, but it was all under Da Hitman's design, if you will. Basically, he told me to do stuff, and I did it. lol. Anyways, I was never able to actually play the map, Da Hitman, so I can't say for playability. The aesthetics are nice, and the ship's interior looks pretty neat, as well as the base. Just one question though: How much money did you end up having left after the map's creation?
I like the story and the idea of a competetive ship map. never done before lol also Jslayer is good at geo-merging so it is good. thanks all of those people who helped! that is a great map. 5/5
Thank you to everyone who has given me, and JSlayer7 +rep, It helps a lot, And "JIGSAW" I am sorry to say that the map is not made for Juggarnaut, Only Objective Games.
I absolutely love the thruster at the back end. That looks amazing. The map looks extremely fun to play.