OK, you guys remember that one time I was all liek: This are my girlfriends eyes made by me? I do have a GF, but I was super stupid on my part by doing that. Then you guys remember that tutorial I made? I wonder I didnt make it until after what I am doing now. First, I am apologizing. Go ahead and make me feel bad, it doesnt matter. But I started making eyes (both to the chagrin and liking of some colleagues). Weeeellllllll... I had to show them off. And that is what I am doing, earliest to most recent, to show how much better I have gotten. They are my own preference, which is why I do them, so if you dont like them, too bad. But if you do, rock on. Please post your comments on them and perhaps which is whoms favorite. They were all of them made with GIMP, and none of the pictures are mine, or of people I know (found on Google images or deviantart.com) and are very fun to make and easy, so if you feel like trying to make one, visit my tutorial (in my sig :O). Now here they are, my lovely eyes ',:/ (sorry bout some of their sizes) First attempts on one eye: Now two eyes thrown in there: Then last two with different colors: Then more: Then again with different eye color :O Then funzies Then celebrities: Then this one girl's face: Then a different face: Then I started on effects: NEXT POST RESERVED FOR LAST TWO DUE TO IMAGE LIMITS! Hope you liked them! Some night be blurry or dont look right on your PC, so sorry, vut they look fine on mine, and dont think I am lying. I seriosuly did these all myself. And most are out of order cept first one and bottom ones.
Jesus christ, that scared the **** of me at first. Then I realized that it were just eyes. And those eye-sigs look very clear BTW, lawl the second effect is a bit over the top though.
I'm sure if you ask nicely people will donate their eyes... I mean you only need one to see. Also I think the sauron one is pretty sweet but the 28 days later one kind of doesn't belong on a face :/. But anyway they are all great and I forgive you for your little ripping incident. Edit: Llama's scare me...
Ok, we believe their yours *nods head sarcasticly* Sorry, but you understand why I'm uncertain. If they are yours, good work! I especialy like the third one down.
Thanks. I realize it is hard to convince you theyre mine... Maybe look at my photobucket? Skittlemeister0. All of their names are just regular names, and some like "Intensiy\ty" and crap, I am weird when it comes to names :O
I'm pretty sure they're his... I checked the file name and they seem legit and they are all png's and most people save as jpg. Also even if they are ripped he went through the trouble of covering his tracks so at least he learned something from that little shenanigan. Edit: Can someone tell me how to spell shenanigan!?!?!?!!!
The first one under "effects" you can see you forgot to erase the top of the eye but yea nice! ive seen a bunch on deviant art that really impressed me too. makes me wanna get contacts this color! i can do without the burning skin tho...
That looks pretty awesome. I didn't know you were a make-up artist. *hee hee* The last two are definetly pretty nuts though. The llama is by far the best, though.