This definately looks worthwhile to download, but since i'm a lonely person for custom games (none of my friends really play custom, and if i do i usually only have a party of 5 at most) I won't dl it for the moment because I want my review to be from my experience and not based on other people's comments. So if someone who does alot of custom games featuring forgehub maps wants to invite me (GT is Total Beat Down), then I can download and give a thorough review so I can give constructive suggestions or praises
most of my freinds on list that plays halo 3 still play customs and less play MM because Customs >match making. but most of the time its small
ill be sure to download, it looks awesome, but my friends are dumbasses who always prefer those infection maps that are thrown together in 5 minutes..........*sigh*
Plays great, and the explosions and colorblind really add to the 'cinematic' feel of the game. Great job on the map.
looks good, but i wont be downloading because of space =( one thing though, i might try covering the tank with walls or something to make it look more like a turret and less like a tank, but i really like it
Erm... shouldn't the attackers ('Japanese') spawn on the boat? I mean Pearl Harbor was a Naval Base, not a ship!
this is a very interesting map. i like how its a ship and not a spaceship. good job evening out the power of the tank too.
NICE great job on the turrets and everything, maybe you should make it so where the ship is on ground at the end or something
i would like to see movie made with this map, it would be epic, hell, it could spawn a whole new generation of remake war films with halo 3, id like to see top gun =) also, about covering the tank with walls, i think if you leave the join between the turret and the base showing, it would be fine, cause the join is a pretty weak spot.
Love the map, great idea with fusion coils and power cores... but I hate filters! for that reason 3/5 for me.