I don't know what you mean by everytime you refresh but you can make a slideshow of your sigs and save it as a .gif and then put it as you sig and it appears to be rotating the sigs.
There's over 2 threads on this, but I don't blame you, because when I made one, I didn't see it either. Just take a read at these 2 threads: This one And this thread The site I'm using right now is Azupload, because this one had broken down, but apparently, it's back. Either one's fine.
This is cool, someone should sticky it. How do you use URL the rotator gives you, I can't get it to work.
upload the images to photobucket and post the direct link into the spot where it asks for an external image.
NOOO! as in, how do I take the URL that the site gives you, and turn IT into an image. BTW-Photobucket is teh fail.
Thanks. About your's not rotating, did you check to see if your's is set to rotate? EDIT-Mines not working either...
Guys, the site works just fine. It's just not every refresh. It's every few minutes. If you don't believe me, feel free to try the other site I linked you. And yes, it should work for Avatars too, but in that casa, you odnt need the IMG tags.
I stole mine from Chipth. It's called signavatar.com Basically, it's a sig/avatar rotator, and also is a good image host.