As you most likely know I have been making sigs for the last couple of days. If you didn't heres the link to my other thread with a bunch more sigs in it. Heres my newest attempt at a signature. I think its my best one with a render yet I want to know how to improve it and what you think of it. Just don't be horribly harsh. I noticed some see through car so I fixed it. V2 dont say anything Im still working on it
It looks like you slapped a c4d on it for the background and added some brushes. I don't like how its floating so maybe lower it some, and it looks kinda pixelated at parts try it at 300 res.
actually I use IWarp for the background and if I knew how to get it better quallity I would but if your going to tell me to do something explain how...also I did most of that brushing myself with like two circle brushes, and the eraser.
well i think it would look much better if you leave the effect on the car and erase all the other junk around it. the windows of the car will need a little tweak also.
The warp is a really bad effect, but if you insist on using it, round the corners and blend in the car more. Erase the brushing on the car, because that's just distracting and ugly.Resize it to be smaller. Possible blur overlay on car, maybe with a blur hardlight.
I like the first cause it's darker. But you could always use the burn tool to fix that one the second one. I like the background it looks like you just liquified it (for PS users anyway) and it turned out good. I don't like the white in the back so if you are a PS user you can just make the background on the background layer and when you warp it it cuts out the empty areas and gives it an abstract shape.
Then you obviously don't know a lot about the basic skills of art, i.e. flow, color, photoshop. Complaining=/=Constructive Criticism. It's up to him if he wants to improve.
I'm a girl and yes I want to improve ok I'll upload this version and the white background one someone sujested earlier. In like a few... Oh and the render kinda came with the brushing I think I can remove it though Vinny I'll give it a try Oh and one more thing I use Gimp not Photoshop