The Jump created by: xMiDgEt MaN92x Gametype: Race, or just about any race gametype. Recommended Players: MAX 4 PEOPLE. This is a laidback, fun and simple racetrack. In no way is it supposed to be challenging or hard to complete. For the casual racer. Rules: Get on the mongoose and DON'T MOVE. Go when you see active camo. You will see a Stoplight, red (overshield), yellow (custom powerup), and blue (active camo). My gametype is set to 20 laps but you can ajust that to your liking. Please leave feedback and rate on a 1/5 scale. Go! (when you see camo) The Jump Go Go Go! Sweet!! Uh-oh!! Download The Jump Download Race Gametype
its not that amazing, but then again, your a trainee, it looks like a decent race track, the jump in the beggining isn't really that special, but the explosives are a nice touch, overall, its not anything new pr exciting, just a basic, well forged racetrack, it brings nothing new to the table, but it gets the job done. 3/5 SPAM
i really dont like it because when i look at all the pictures its to original i like maps that are different
Nice map. The jump over the fusion coils looks exciting. ~!BIG BOOM!~ 4/5! The Invisible spawn idea is pretty neat.
It looks pretty cool, but is it breakable. You just always have to watch out for people who like to take shortcuts or just drive backwards. Some more pics would be nice plz.
this looks like a lotta fun. i love the traffic light idea. i think if you put custom and camo together it would make a green light though. also, maybe consider adding some type of release-mechanism so the people can't just leave before the blue light appears. for example, put a dumpster in front of the mongooses and have a grav-lift spawn at the same time as the blue to pull them outta there. but by the looks of it you already used up your grav lift supply. but i'm sure you could come up with something. anyway good job! P.S. the link to the gametype goes to your fileshare. just do the same thing you did with the map
glad you all like it. i was gonna do that, but i wasn't exactly sure how 2 do that. i'm sure i can think of some sort of release mechanism. n e more ideas?
i like the traffic lite if that wat it is but i could make this map by myself in like 30minutes so no dl from me sry
This is a great map, very neat and each area is different. 4/5 - Would have been 5/5 except there isn't an actually starting gate so it would be very easy to cheat on.
to people who have played my map: n e ideas 2 an anti cheating system where i do not have 2 move my finish line? and i need a starting gate idea. can n e one help me? still rate the map though if you havn't already : )
No offense, but this isn't that good at all. The track is basic, the fusion coils won't even explode, and the jumps are inaccurate and have rough landings. On that one floating part, by the way, the shield doors can bump you around if you lean slightly to either side. Plus, nothing at all prevents you from cheating, as all of the usual items to cheat proof it (i.e. grav lifts/ man cannons) are oddly used in the final turn. Theres just nothing special about any part of it. Final Score: 2/5. A 3/5 could easily be achieved by a few minor tweaks whose problems are listed above.
I like Rats Nest racetracks and this one looks awesome! I love your idea for the small jump over the fusion coils!