When Is it Forgehub's Time to Shine on Bungie favs again? Finally bringing something good to the Table... Can anybody say?
i could. But what kinda Forgehub stuff are they going to put on Bungie's fave. Just maps or other stuff? last time they had all Halotracks' stuff up...
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...gie-favorites.html?highlight=bungie+favorites Search before you whine.
Ya the Halo tracks thing was a disapointment, also since it was up for like 4 weeks! hopefully they will post really good maps like the featured ones, or ones about to be featured! anythings better than the maps they have on there now. Even gametypes
We will be getting our turn on bungie favorites in the (hopefully) near future, dun wury it gun b k. and we will be keeping the same clips, gametypes, maps screens etc. format