Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ^-LINK-^ INTIMIDATION V3 is medium sized map meant to be played with objective games, slayer, and oddball(new). It has many features including near perfect interlocking, amazing flow, and a great selection of balanced weapons! INTIMIDATION V3 features many improvements from its predecessor. The interlocking is much smoother and many of the infamous camp spots have been removed (less raping). Some new weapons exist on this map to improve gameplay and the big pool has been redone to keep camping at a minimum. The big pool doesn't spawn at the beginning of the game so you can watch it fill up =) You can now chuck grenades into the shotgun camp spot! Thanks to everyone who left comments on v2, I took many of your suggestions. Thank you vorpal saint, this map wouldn't have been possible with out your great advice! Also, make sure to give flag and bomb carriers reduced speed due to the small size of the map! map works best with teams of 3 or 4 for objective games. There's no way to get out now because the map is high up where the jump barrier is. Have fun and please leave feedback (good, bad, ugly) and RATE! This is my second post on forgehub! WEAPON LIST 2 carbines 2 smg's 1 needler 1 sword (never respawns) 1 plasma pistol 2 plasma rifles 1 overshield 1 incendiary grenade 1 spike grenade 1 plasma grenade 6 battle rifles 1 sniper rifle (180 second respawn, 1 extra clip) 1 shotgun (180 second respawn, 1 extra clip) 4 frag grenades Changes! Basic Overview Sketch Action Shots! There is now a fusion coil that spawns frequently in the back of the sword cave because when playing oddball everyone camped there and it was no fun =( Superman! Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ^-LINK-^
I think the best new change is the introduction of oddball as a supported gametype. Oddball with 8 players on this map is completely hilarious!
I really like the layout of this one, I mostly enjoy the rounded room. This map looks amazing in every spot, especially all of the interlocking is clean. All I have to say for improvements is that you should add more scenery; such as barrels, pallets, and some things outside the fence boxes; trucks and forklifts set down to look like they're moving stuff around. Although you don't have those things in the map as of now, I'm still going to download. As for the post, you should make the beginning paragraphs a other color then white, because people (such as I) still use the oldschool layout of FH, which has a white background. Great job, I will come back with more information on what I think about "Intimidation v3."
i never saw the first one... or the second. but this one looks really tight. ill give it a dl to see the whole layout cuz its kinda hard with these picks
looks real nice. i love the updates, but the white text has gotta go. remember, theres a ton of people with the old school skin, and white on light ass blue isnt good.
Wow... this is amazing. Only problem: one of your action shots is shown twice in the post. And the white text. My first time through I thought it was blank space.
If this is the second version, then the first must have been good too. This map has unique elements that make it an interesting experience. I love the merging in this, and the special style you used gave the map an effect that makes the map look professional. Well done, and keep Forging.
Played first version, liked it but everyone kept camping in the shotty camping spot. HOORAY!!!! GRENADE SPAMMING KILLZ CAMPER!!! )) Great map, fantastic interlocking. 5/5.
This is the third version. On the first pic it only said v2 as a comparison shot to version 3. sorry about the confusion.
So are we looking toward a V4? :] you could have used the unlimited budget glitch but that gets irratating just find un nessesary things to delete to get scenery