Post what your favorite arcade game available on the xbox is, why it's your favorite, and who you would reccomend this to. Metroshell's Favourite
doom, classic shooter some might disagree and say quake but doom started the shooting genre off with a bang, litterly edit: o it got moved
Geo Wars 1 and 2 and Mad Tracks and Bomberman among others. I've found that most arcade games are surprisingly fun and well done for under 10 dollars.
GEOMETRY WARRRRSSSSSSSS because of its addicting fun gameplay. HEAVYYYY WEAPONNNNNNNNN because of its addicting fun gameplay. TA DAH.
No body likes N+? WTF? N+ Is about a ninja who goes through levels trying to get the switch to the exit door. It gets more complex, but that is the general idea. I recommend it because it's overall a good game, has a map editor, and is multiplayer. You can also share your levels.
I might disagree with it starting any genres. History might agree with me. Anyways, my favorite is either Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, or N+. The reason I have two listed is because there's a tie, and it might not be fair to list a port of a PS/Saturn game port as an XBLA game.
Soon, it'll be the original Banjo Kazooee. Can't wait! Oh, and I liked N+, but I played it on the computer originally, so didn't want to pay to play a game I could already get for free.
easy, bomberman, just cause its a classic and also how you can get so many power ups that you bomb covers the whole damn corridor. recommended for everyone who likes games.
No, trust me, it's worth the cash. It's different (mostly levels, but there's somewhat different gameplay, too), and it has features that aren't present in the PC version.
Braid. That game was awesome, very challenging, and had some great story elements. Only bad part was the price point, but other than that I recommend it to anyone.