A 35-year-old Indonesian man named Dede suffered a simple cut as a teenager and thereafter began growing tree-like warts all over his body. The warts soon worsened into mossy, branching growths, virtually incapacitating him. His wife left him, he was out of a job, and he was made the village freak. Doctors could never figure out what Dede’s condition was, and the growths worsened with each passing year. It wasn’t until an American dermatologist traveled to see Dede’s odd growths and cutaneous horns that the proper diagnosis was made: Dede was simply suffering from HPV, or human papilloma virus. HPV causes warts (frequently of the genital variety) and is quite common in humans. Unfortunately for Dede, he happens to have a rare genetic flaw that causes his immune system to be as weak as someone with AIDS. The chances of this genetic fault? Less than one in a million. Fortunately for Dede, proper treatment and several surgeries offer the promise of a normal life. The doctor is also trying to get more American support for this special patient. Good luck, Dede! (Check out the video here.
I saw this before. It kinda scarred me for life. Now I'm scarred again. Lol but seriously the chances of this are uber low. I mean having that condition and then getting infected.
Oh man! That would be awesome! Why would he want to get rid of it? Sure it's kind of gross, but I mean, TREE! How many people can say they're a tree?
Instead of letting myself getting scarred from this I pretended it was mud and it has bin working out for me. I hope for the best for him.
Poor guy, I hope that they can find some kind of treatment for it. His genetic code must be very different for this to happen.
That must suck. It must be so painful to have to walk around like that. He is ridiculed, and he lost his job and his wife. All because of a 1 in a million chance. That is terrible. But it ****ing rules.
I've seen this aswell a long time ago. Its pretty crazy, and it would suck bad for this to happen to yourself. I've seen other pictures of other people like this.
I remember people screaming on the bungie forum with various slurs of "omg rl flood!" Hopefuly the doctors can make him normal again.
you just made my nose itch like crazy. and so everyone knows, spider's, small bugs in large groups, anytime of this that grows on a something, such as this, make me shiver and forsome reason...my body an dnose itch (as if something were on it). creeeepy D; stop itching stupid noes >:[ who knew a cartoon could make me freak out. this episode of spongebob had me itching the wholetime in that way i just told you about. i actually felt like it was on me. ugh i have a problem. i cant even watch it now, im getting all itchy D; Just ignore the whole video. im just referencing the begining with spongebob. its the only video i could find http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao1hFjdJ-6I
This is really old news. I remember seeing this in like January. Its so weird and gross. Hopefully he can be cured and live a normal life.
@Toochie, the same thing kinda happens to me, but my right knee gets The Itch. xD And about the article..this is something that I would have never imagnined.
A man turning into a tree walks into his doctor's office and his doctor says to him “You better stop picking at your sores”. The man replies “I’d love to, but I just can’t seem to leaf them alone.” A man turning into a tree walks into a bar and the bartender says to him. “Don’t think I’ve ever seen you around these parts, stranger.” The man replies “Well I’ve been trying to branch out.” A man turning into a tree takes his dog to a veterinarian and says to the doctor “My dog seems to have caught my illness.” The doctor lifts up a muzzle and says to the man “Before I examine your dog, I’m afraid I’ll need to put this on him.” The man replies “No need, doc. His bark is worse than his bite.”
****, that's **** to have that. So his immune system is as weak as people with aids? And now he's becoming a tree. :/
I seen this Discovery Channel before, On my Shocking Story:Half man, Half Tree, He performs ina carnival with his friends who are like him, he has 2 kids, a daughter whoes 15 (I think) and a son whoes 18. But the video could have been made in like 2004, 2005 or whatever, So he could be cured. Im not too sure, :\