This is my 4 base map that ive been working on for about 3 weeks. i had used worlock as reference but the bases are a bit different, and all the bases are connected. i made the middle very open concept, but there is still enough cover. i havent encountered any huge spawn problems other than what you would expect from a foundry map.....sigh. version 1.1 changes: i moved the spawns at the back of each base a bit, and i added cover to help prevent spawning into fire. v 1.3 changes: -dumpsters removed and replaced to create more space along the sides and the bottom floor -CTF added -corner walls added in front of blue and red streets for more cover -slight spawn changes - 100% impossible to escape map -2 plasma nades added -2 frag nades added gametypes: oddball teamslayer CTF weapons: 8 br 10sec 2 carb 90sec 6 frag nade 30sec 6 plasma nade 30sec pictures: Download devolve v1.3
Great map, bridges kinda look weird. 5/5 Also I ask why can't you post map name "MLG Desolve v1"? Also this can not be MLG, its not Symmetrical, so its not MLG HAHAHAHA!
i like the idea but it looks kinda empty likie try adding some unnessessary but iteresting things on to your map but thats just my opinion overall your interlocking is perfect gj 4.5/5
not nessicarily true but i dont think he inteded for this to be mlg in the first place.... nice interlocking and i can see your no noob at geoemerging
Too open for my taste. Its good you didn't cover it in power weps but, Unfortunately, you are the opposite of that. Your weapon set is too bland. Brs and Carbines can get rather boring. Add one power wep in the middle to mix things up a bit i say.
This is definitely a map that tooks some time to make. I'm very impressed the geomerging and stuff. It looks like it has just enough cover and I will definitely download when i get the time
Looks nice, I like the interlocking and the geomerging you used in your map. Good JOb EDit: Please make the text color of your description something other that white because people still use the oldschool fogehub skin. Perhaps blue?
Very good map. The interlocking and merging is beautiful and the layout is nice. The only thing is there are some very open spots.
Please change the text to something other then white, I can't read it off of a white background, change it to red so it works for white and black backgrounds. Although from the screens you got yourself a really nice map, thats all I can say as of right now, I'll DL and play later.
Why does everyone think that an MLG map has to be symmetrical? Guardian, Construct, they aren't symmetrical. Also Wheezy, I posted on the MLG forums. But in case you missed it here's what I thought. Also : Lolololololol
Ya really, I don't know why they even use Guardian or Construct)... They aren't symmetrical at all EDIT: Oops, I got beat to it O well, the map looks really nice, I can see the Warlock in it
Nice map I love the center thingy with the wals 3/5 just because theres so much more you could have done not to sound mean or anything, but i think it lacks design in between bases and center
it looks like a good map. but the middle structure looks a little bland to me. i mean its fine. buts it's just walls. nice interlocking as well
it is every one says this map is too open. the long lines of sight in this map separate the skilled teams from the unskilled. a team that works together and team shoots will be the victorious team. this is not a map based on individual skill. you have to work together to win any game on this map.
It is symmetrical dipshit, god these ****ing retards and their internet superiority complex. Really nice map man, I love the bases in the corners, delicious. Very reminiscent of Warlock.