DENILE Yo what up im thepepperpimp and this is my first post and this is my first map Denile. Denile is a small MLG, FFA, slayer map. This map would also work well for Assualt and CTF. This map as i said is small. It is also interlocked beautifully. The pics and link is below...ENJOY!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PICS Overview: Overview 2: Bottom: Centerpiece: Main Tower: Shrine: Spawn side A: Spawn side B: Hidden Camo: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well i hope you enjoy my new map and if you have any questions send me a pm. Thank You!!! Link >>> : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
first post ! what made me dl was the layout. Beautiful. 5/5 btw, i got a FFA in on this and it was amazing. keep em coming.
Dude, I gotta say this but it's definitely spelled "Denial" not "Denile" Anyway back to the map itself... It looks pretty nice but as you said it is very small. Also I don't think it's very smart to place spawnpoints right beside a pair of fusion coils. I would appreciate a weapon list because all I can see is a few Carbines, and a bunch of Spike Grenades. Oh, and that Energy Drainer...
Jebus is right. I like ur post. The text looks good with the new background. Oh and i like ur map 2. Nothing that original tho. 5/5
Looks ok but it needs some Geo-Merging in my opinion, just use the door trick, it's super EZ to do. I give your map 4.5/5 for now, Kooks good so keep on rolling, (Forging)
If there was a map that had way too much cover this would be it.. and MLG? just because you put some carbines on the map doesn't mean its MLG.. Don't get me wrong the map looks really good, but MLG maps are ment to be a little open... If you would Like a longer review and help on making your map the best it can be, feel free to click the link in my sig below... for now its a 14/25 = 2.8/5 Want to know more about my rating system? feel free to click the link below and find out..
this map looks well put together in many ways. The layout goes great, and the style of combat seems to focus around close quarters without cutting off the abilities for some decent medium range battles. At first glance, it appears that you havent littered your map with useless power weapons and crazy amounts of grenades, so i applaud you for that. Assault looks like it'd be epic, so ill have to get a game in on that... but im not so sure about capture the flag. Maybe one flag would be better. If i get some good games in, ill be back.
I did manage to escape your map, but I also have an easy fix. I sent you a message over XBL + friend request, if you're on tomorrow I'll show you.