Well lately ive been getting really good at forge so i have decided to drop my own Forge Foundry map pack. I have great ideas and alot of people i have talk to about my ideas said ,"cant w8" so i know i just joined forge hub but ill give you some info about some of these maps. First off there will be 5 maps in Alpha(plan on dropping more than one map pack hence the word alpha). I have scetches of these maps. Most will not be infection( still have to dicuss it with myself). First map will be called "Ledge". It will be symetrical casual slayer(main focus is for ppl to have fun). I will drop the map within 1-2 weeks so you can pick it up in my fileshare. Please tell me if you will help me test maps spawns and gametypes. Sent me FR on live.My gt is mr clu7ch.
THis post is not up to forge hub standards, if you are going to talk about your forgemaps please ask a mod politely to move this thread to forge discussion. Welcome to forgehub, please read the rules a little more carefully before posting threads.
This angers me, some guy who just posted a map get's a few less minutes on the homepage because you didn't read the rules and posted in the wrong place. I forgive you though, ask a mod to move it, like eguitar said.
Why do people keep doing this? I see these kinds of stuff everyday. Please, everybody, embedd your pics.
Yeah, but this isn't a map, it's a guy asking for help making a map pack, which clearly does not belong here.
lol u have been getting better at the OLD forge but ur gettin better a month away from when the new forge will be released XD
You realize all those things that were rumours, ie, bots, campaign objects and AI are not coming right? There will be no change in Forge, read the weekly update on Bungie.net.